I got perma-banned for mass disliking before. Yes it's real. Then I quit voting, but now I'm back.

Joined 6 years ago (2017-05-22 07:06:38).
Has 39,635 Karma.
Created 504 posts.
Wrote 3,408 comments.
Upvoted 33,592 posts.
Downvoted 1,349 posts.

Achievements Info

Hardcore Commenter 31.08.2023

5-Year Club 22.02.2023

4-Year Club 07.07.2021

3-Year Club 21.05.2020

Poster of the Day 08.01.2023

Silver Club 03.09.2022

Experienced 20.08.2022

Commenter of the Day x11 22.01.2022

Poster 20.12.2021

Commenter 06.09.2021

2-Year Club 22.05.2019

Bronze Club 22.06.2021

Casual Poster 07.06.2021

Lurker 07.06.2021

Casual Commenter 15.11.2018

Verified 18.09.2018

1-Year Club 22.05.2018