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The memory span of rats
So thats why
Tea Tim--!
First time I ever heard of that.
Gotta love Jennifer Lawrence
MRW I see a guy looking at the same ass I was.
This might actually work. Aerobics taught by a baby.
I see what you did there, Nickelodeon
Then and now
Whenever Voldemort comes to town...
For selfie day
Watch out,we got a BATass over here...
Yes, internet, again.
Goat doing some crazy ass parkour
When I look back at the first movie nowadays
Dopest cornfield
Mom? No b*tch, it's Morgan f*cking freeman
Futurama is being cancelled
Unwind for a while
What I feel when I read a book
67 years, how great, now maybe he can see how deep his sofa is.
When the alarm clock goes off
Even Thor has those days when nothing works
How to catch a nap
Nope, nope nooopeee noooopeeee D':
Don't look here.
Die B*tch
We need more hands!
Nailed It!
How embarrassing...
I'm going in
They believed ME
Just walking by when..
A special parking place for them !
Quite Interesting QI
Size of Obama's package?
When people see a repost..
Anger Management? You're managing okay to me!
Shocking news everyone!!!
Is that even possible?
Why ?
He forgot how to cat
Speaking italian is a piece of cake.
They should run into each other at full speed and see if they become one
Good idea
Girls and her periods
Still a better Canadian pop star than Justin Bieber..
Did you see a bee? I'm looking for a BEE!
The Rocketman
Hitler rage
More big cats in boxes
What a little boss
North Kowea you so funny
Something you didn't need to know but now do
Some call it 'love'
I call dibs on the first T-Rex!
WTF horse
Give the guy a break!
Granted. You can make him your b*tch!
Awesome Taco Bell
I laughed too hard for the baby legs haha...
Yes Master
Drinking your first absinthe
Turkey in turkish....
Rated Arrrr
Getting real tired of your sh*t, Roman.
She speaks the truth! I would be honored!
So pro
I'll just be a stripper...
And I'm trying to ignore you!
-9999999 courage
Found this on my Facebook feed
LoL player will know...
Like i give a f*ck lvl: Poland
That's my secret, cap'
Consuela no es here
I'm sure it's just a coincidence
Something like that...
I don't even
First time on the Internet
Wookie sack of sh*t...
Pretty accurate
That dawg got some skillz
Thanks Obama....
I love dark humor
Dad 1 - Son 0
Superman just being... super
What did you expect?