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This account is new but my existence in this webpage is over 7 years old. Old account got deleted in the purge.
6-Year Club

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Robbery therapy
End Gender Inequality!
I'm playing a new drinking game.
Me trying to hit on chicks on dating websites
Someone please tell me you get this too
Joe pls
Not worth the risk
Valid Point
Well...he's got a point
MFW i see fat people cosplaying
You think your job is stressful?
The greatest joke ever to come out of there
Australia's first ever winter olympic gold
One of these things is not like the others
11:25 on a Wednesday.. why not.
Now You Know
You had óne job
Hello my baby, Hello my honey, Hello such ragtime wow
Uncle Buck
M&M's commercials
it's some weird kind of magic
The story of a chair's life.
I guess what you loose in IQ you win in inches
Drop the bass
The clock rule
sums up my love life
Found this on a table at school today...
Best $2.99 I've ever spent.
Real boy problems.
Haircut - fixed
future us #2
Worlds Fasted Computer
manly cries are heard from the african american alley
uselessly proud
scrooge, you smooth ***
If you're cold...
The Matrix is glitching again
One of Eric's best comebacks
Adblock at work
The perfect gift indeed, and at a reasonable price.
Browsing Instagram when suddenly....
He chose the right one to stand beside
Radical Islam; ISIS Smart Bomb
That's a heck of a bug, Android.
Here's why you shouldn't call all black people in the U.S., "African Americans"
Baby it's bad out there.
can they finally achieve world peace and annihilate feminists altogether now?
Racism works both ways
The local cobbler has a way with words
Pretty much
Foolproof advice!
This made me laugh so hard
RDR awesome game w/ flawless logic
Anon Goes Hunting
Found this n' it gave me a laugh.
Talk about police brutality.
this always happens
For the times when you just don't remember how old they are.
Useful apps
Kids these days
A glimpse into Hiddenlol
best restaurant ever
Vegan humour
Gotta Kill'em All
Cutting your bread with a wooden doorstop.
When you miss your stop
Bye, kids!
She told me her secret.
Schrodinger's USB stick
Geography is hard, alright?
I'm Bond. Sendmenudes Bond.
She married him for his girth.
This is soon to happen in the UK
Just happened in who wants to be a Millionaire Australia
Baby Jesus is going to have some wicked abs by the end of the season
every goddamn time! no, wait, I'm single.
If i had a girlfriend that asked for dick pics, i would have sent her this.
"Would you *** me? I'd *** me..."
game companies these days...
Dad no...
Christmas is the most metal holiday
My reaction when as a king I lead a crusade and my favorite song comes on the lute
Liz Lemon and the toaster waffle
Nice Pun Work, Dream Me!
trust me, I'm an engineer
animu glasses
Patients is a virtue
it's not hi. it's ni
Jesus got some moves.
When her weight starts with 200
This is why my teacher is stupid.
Wrong number
Honest guy.
Scrooge Mc....***
Best handicap license plate ever.