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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Who said the Titanic actually sank?
What a ***...
Mmmm... caaake....
Super Saiyan
When you find your bro reposting
He was real!
So, natural flavor then?
It's true.
Sucks to be that guy
Girl power
This is always a good sign
It's up to you now, Sheldon. RIP Mr. Nimoy
Came down to see this today.
Genghis never gave up.
What do you guys see?
Facebook delivery
True shit right here.
mens sana in corpore sano
Something we can all agree on about the color of that dress
Good to know things stay consistent
When you're pooping and someone scares you
Found in the bathroom at work. Someone learned a very hard lesson.
The Lion King did it first
That biology blog is weird, but useful.
Me, everytime time I try to gently please a girl
Aggressive crowd funding.
Racist police.!?
Me first dollar
Penis jokes...
Oh, shut up Karl
How a drunk one night stand goes
Hitler: The College Years
Can't even fast
Well, he was!
The Achilles's heel
Thanks man :(
Birth of the dark lord Dra'nakyuek
A broken home ..
Paying the bills
Me on dates
Bill Clinton & Jennifer Lawrence
inaccurate, the chimp would have thrown the poo
That 70s diet
The spirit is willing , but the flesh is spongy and bruised
Foot Fetish
That escalated quickly.
" shorts match this board perfectly"
The early 00's were a simpler time.
Yes, yes you are.
all those years of lurking finally paid off for anon
swim shady
After online dating has failed.
This guy. This ***ing guy.
She's a hard one to read...
"You will always remember this as the day you almost caught captain Cat Sparrow"
Mannequins have feelings too
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the questions of life
Baroque Obama
In a parallel universe ...
Me in math class
Clean Plate Club sued over denying membership to individuals based on race.
Wish I had a clever title for this
The Ultimate Torture
Set your priorities straight
Because you're fat.
Saw Kanye West today. No one wanted to look at him
Code Names...
Pretty fly for a white guy
Lucifer mauls asians often
Trigger material
masturbation better than obligation
Arguably the most compelling reason for protecting your source's identity.
This picture of Elsa being "arrested" in South Carolina looks like the beginning of a porno
never have a romantic diner with candlelight and beans
Yeah man definitely a kangaroo.
How to : female character
Now I know the difference
Nyuk nyuk nyuk
The longer you stare, the funnier it gets
what if the aliens turn out to be dicks, did anyone consider that possibility
Living in Hungary rule #1: Don't get sick
Bad placement
I identify myself as trans-atlantic
Hand job
So that's why they alwasy talk shit
Fresh hobbit
The Sun Comic
Boom. Headshot.
It is a matter of location
They had a duty
oh denzel
Writing an exam you didn't study for
Be brave! Don’t show fear!