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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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In case you ever feel lonely
Before memes... there was Farside
MRW the Dress thing finally ended
To those lurkers who upvote, but never comment.
tan leggings make bad pants
Definitely a classic
Funny prank
Odd church sign
I'm telling you, she's coming...
When the squad wants to cruise through the hood
The anti-vaxxer movement in a nutshell.
Get Rekt
This doesn't look too slipp.... Ohshitohshitohshit... ery.
Floppy Jesus
this picture is Fox news' worst nightmare
"It was the drink that killed him..."
Whats the worst that could happen?
Its the inside that matters
RIP Harrison Ford
3 Adorable Animals to Impale!
Looks pretty perfect, doesn't it?
No chill.
that's my GF
My friend was an infantry marine, now he is a nurse.
Kim Jong Un would not approve of this portrait
Golden Girls in regards to lesbians
No one ***s with anon
"I can just create more Daquan, mom"
A tough choice
When your brother doesnt close the door while fapping
This looks a fun game...
Dating tip in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant
We keep a fully stocked first aid kit at work
When i tell you to shove your joke up your arse i'm being figurative
At least Eeyore has that going for him...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Well.. the rent is low ..
When bae talkin shit!
death by balls. cold balls.
ask her to do 360 flip and walk away again.
Screw Society's Standards
Anne Hathaway is just like us
"Wife Discovers Browser History," unknown artist, c. 1586
It wasn't an accident.
fapping an asian D, be like
If you can't stab someone nicely, don't stab them at all
Over and over again
Harvard Rejection Letter
Was it worth it?
coming back from family vacation
This is how Internet works
How do you time in England
Who has ever needed one of these after a meeting?
Society does not have to conform to your rules, Staples
When you go to bath and body works with a girl.
Cookie ?
Women at Comic-Con
One girl, no cup
The feeling when scientists publish the average penis size around the world
Great deal
If you like your steak well-done, you don't really like steak, do you?
Winter troubles
I've been looking for this
Drake the type of nigga to pay Misty back for her bike
Sometimes the world's needs a reminder
Clue, the best movie ever.
This pretty much sums up Instagram for me.
Even North Korea has them...
A guide to country names
Truly a man of many talents
I get to drive alone
British Immigration
anon orders coffee at starbucks
Planning the new gang sign
Kim Jong Un's Sharks
Marijuana is terrible
It's just about the worst thing in the world
The hot teacher drops something in class
Mein Gesichtsausdruck wenn...
Every time I'm installing something
That shit's cold
well thanks
Monica Lewinsky
First thought: How is this legal. Second thought: Is this real life?
Wow, good one Popsicle
Now look at what the Department of Homeland Security has to do!
Why balloon swords should never be pink
Hey man, good g... alright, okay...
...and Tuesday morning was made!
When you try to concentrate on driving but your friends all want you to pay attention to them
would've been too easy
Don't you dare cross the street!
This is fairly accurate.