When they told us to "simulate being engaged," they should have specified, "by the enemy."

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Microsoft, you really did it this time
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These hoes ain't loyal
There's no more hiding it AT&T.
MRW Someone Knocks On The Door While I'm "Cleaning" My Room
Software Updates
ooh, batman..
*** you Greg
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Sometimes you really wonder just how stupid people are
An awesome, but long, comic. "Product"
high af and good feelings all around
Last thing you see before you die
Premium Facebook Subscriptions
NASA has no chill
White Twitter vs. Black Twitter
Do you really want a beer?
true story
Local school art project titled "candlelight".
When you realize the joke was about you
Best. Necklace. Ever.
Time for the "Man in Black" strategy. Oh! It didn't work...
There's more water on Mars than California.
Nope done nope
Do you want your kids to get hit by a car? Because that's how you get your kids hit by a car
accurate af
You know where
It's the little things that matter, take your dick as an example
Following the news about water on Mars...
Big Mean Moon
Angelina wanted to eat but her possessed arm felt differently
Irrelevant Skyrim Humor.
I'll see you guys in hell
DIY books
When I finally Fap after a couple of weeks
When you feed in game while your mom feeds you IRL
Rolling in that middle school press
Honestly from Microsoft
Everyone loves a good retardant joke
It's all about Air bud tho
Say what?
Appropriate this evening...
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Accidental Camoflage
can't touch this
Spongebob Logic
Seems legit
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rare apollo footage
Distributing Level : Not close to 4chan
Dilophosaurus Pope
unnamed website gold
Happy Birthday Google!...
Hitler cat uses gas...it's very effective
Marilyn Monroe was an ***
the excitement is overwhelming
Funny sign spotted in Round Top, Texas
Every family feud episode ever
Goalie trying to help an injured player.
It maybe just as addictive
"Today is truly a great day."
This sticker on a minivan. Even more perfect.
Spotted in Liverpool UK
Good condition
Dwin Johnsel.
I see it coming...
White people lips
A master at work.
Takumi right now
lol i make funny
If Disney Villains Were Actually Smart
Welcome Potato!
Mo money, mo problems
Sacré bleu!!!
Some mean little lego pieces
Pimp priority seating
Truer words were never spoken!
me irl
If Hitler tried to become a maid part 1
I think the campaign staff watches The Simpsons
specifically this dog
Childhood cancer gets a pretty bad rap, it's nice to see it get some love once in a while
apply water to burned area
A useful book for your twenties
Burt Macklin and his uncrackable code names
Sikh Sense of Humour
You really got me
At least he's trying...
Tumblr in real life
Are you happy?
Darth Vader
aloha snackbar
A new type of raid? Lets keep this going :P Part 3
Solves that problem.