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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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He Pierce'd her heart
Me: Another chance wasted
Exposing Big Pharma conspiracy
I was on the phone with my best friend when I found out Trader Joe's stopped carrying pepper jelly. Apparently he thought my reaction was a little much, I received this in the mail today.
For the hoe on the go!
Friend sent me this from an Irish hotel
Seems like yesterday.
This kid sent a letter to our store for his project
Long time no see for the berserk meme
Google asking the real questions
Scottish women...
How customers imagine cash register keyboards
Me, as a dad
Wish we could turn back time
Don't buy property next to a farm...
One is smarter than the other...
Marvel knows how to market their toys
Do you want the Matrix? Because this is how you get the Matrix
United PR team right now
Mostly every college student can relate.
There was a sale
You know you are in LA when your Lyft driver has his headshot strategically placed for you to notice
A guest dropped a pacifier in the Cypress Swamp exhibit at the Virginia Living Museum today. Someone was quick to take advantage!
Alimony paid with custom checks featuring Chance and his new wife!
A healthy community indeed
My uncle found his horse like this and proceeded to make a meme
Dads in the office.
Never forget.
When you delete ***
This man has achieved nirvana
Sigh Zips
Questionable Childhood I had
Pay it forward!
Ikea keeping it real :)
Fast and very furious
Teacher left note.
So excited for Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Forever my favorite commercial
Top conspiracy theory of all time
Friend on Facebook sent their kid to school on picture day with the wrong shirt.
How you know when a company sells your information
Bender's Philosophy
Well... maybe one.
How awkward! A toilet in Africa.
To be fair countries with higher income can afford sustainable polytheism
Hugh Jackman - Father of the year.
Reinvent this scenes dialogue in the comments
weird combination of signs
Neighbor had a note on their door, I had a follow up note
Comic sans
Beached whales are th best whales
I'd eat that.
Searching for 15 years to know what you knew from day 1
Hid something special underneath our floating floor for the next homeowner...
Bless the triple chin
My friend went into a Welsh convenience store and found this..
Is this a retarded bee ?
My dad is threatening to destroy this majesty cactus with a chainsaw. Please join me in the effort to stop him. #savethecoctus
Kill me. Please.
Upon arriving to help get my keys out of my car, the AAA guy locked his keys in his car and had to call AAA
Party out back
When the wrong is right
money or magical powers... tough one...
Progressiveness is killing this world.
When your friend sends you a normie meme.
never get too high
Step on my level
"let's move all anti-air guns to the political capital, what could go wrong"
USPS Tracking: 1) Package has left facility 2) We have no ***ing idea 3) Package delivered
nigga what
This is what my classmate Googled after the Statistics professor said "The homework was for your understanding, you don't have to turn it in today"
Dude in his 30s and also without child.
Prostrate Exam
Found this hidden gem while auditing a contract.
Found this while looking up my house on Google maps. Turns out my neighbors might not get along.
Never has there been a more Canadian news title
Found at my local Panda Express. Took me all my power not to burst out laughing in the middle of the lunch crowd xD
First upload please no flame
Don't collect 200$
My dad's $686 million health insurance bill
Add alcohol, hilarity ensues.
Star Wars meets the religions of the world
Gotta love those baby boomers.
My mom photocopies recipes off of her iPad.
AMC memes ✌⊂(✰‿✰)つ✌
And that was the day that best friends were made.
Using Internet Explorer to download Chrome
Well, i haven't tested my airbags in a while...
I'd recomend a pepsi factory, you bourgeoisie swine
Yamahahahah, I wouldn't doubt that it actually went down like that
Thor or .....
Not A Human
Can't win with daughters.
The moment that both my phone and laptop are dead
Don't act like you know me