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Ugly sweater competition
I am such a pussy slayer
When you're drunk af and start making friends with everyone
No bird seasoning
Couple hours into my college essay here
Battle plans
Pickle Rick!
Most useful information I never thought I needed
What the, how is it getting stuc......Alright, act casual.
Found at Chicago O'Hare Airport
It was different times back then...
Came home from work and found this at my door
Life in the bible belt
Ohh the sweet irony
Because *** you and your allergies!
I wonder who the father is ?
Just moved into the neighborhood and got a big welcome from these guys.
$99.99 a year
When she only dates guys who eat da booty
So my dad calls me the other day, says he got in trouble at the barn for cutting a horses hair and everyone's pissed off. I felt bad for him until I got this picture from my mother.
Who can say where the road goes, where the day flows... only time
Temple Run.
Sign outside a local coffee shop
Jon snow gets to work
wake up sheeple!!
From your upstairs friend
Look at me.....I am the cook now!
The future is now
Roses are red. I burnt my pillow.
Feelin' fancy tonight
Half assed.
Google Knows Everything!
some people just cant handle a real party
Professor Doggo is one of the most elite at the university
Verify that you are a human
Medical students taking a selfie at the end of their studies
Show Vegeta
I work in the automotive Industry, and this made my day
A better constipation ad
Best reason ever for getting arrested!
Public Service Announcement.
Bob Ross, what a gentle man
Now that's a real man!!!
the truth about us
You can ask, but you might not like the answer
lets use an old shit meme with a new shit meme to make an actual joke
Local bar's new bathroom door decor
This Pantene model looks like she's about to break up with me...
Well that's that, no more dealing!
'I'd like everyone to know I'm retarded.'
Why Deadpool and Spiderman could never do a crossover movie.
Yoda wasn`t the most popular boy in the jedi school
Your Wife Is on the Phone
When the police rock up at your house and they are more interested in your bearded dragon than you.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
King of the Moon
no comprendo
There is no cloud.
My local ice cream shop has this on their dishes.
Multi-fish crossing
This kid is my hero
The taste of fine tequila.
Let's follow big brother.
Well I'm ***ed
show bob
Super hax03
<3 true love <3
When your girl calls you Obersturmbannführer
Friend's last name is Allday, but that's not what the local news heard
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
sharing is caring
Cancer is dead
Lost cat immediately recognizes her owner in street
It's over folks, mystery solved. Everyone can go home now
My wife works with a bunch of scientists and every time I visit her work I write a fake quote in the conference room.
Taking advantage of deals when you are drunk
I think I'll let him finish it first
Time to show my superpower!
Die Not So Hard.
Predator down time
I made my own shirt design
some assembly required
When you want to help put away the groceries, but there's a bag and you're a cat.
Found this lunchbox in my garage. It is the most 90s thing I've ever seen
*** you too, tree!
Iphone 8 leak
2017 everybody
When she's about to send nudes but you have 2% battery left.
So, luau ghost may not be an appropriate Halloween costume anymore...
My Crohns doctor paints, and puts his art around the office. This is in the bathroom.