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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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When your acronym doesn't help your cause
When life give you croissants
Just like your mom
my wife wanted to show me that she can make shirts too
Oh when will it end........ See what I did there ;)
Dont arouse the statues please.
Getting into heaven
Yes, this is what I'll do!
Oh, Netflix.
That book from 1960 has previous day's funny front-page clean joke in it.
Remember everyone: when you decorate for Xmas before Halloween, Santa has to retire an elf.
If they believe in me, then I can believe in me.
Bought a d20 waffle maker. Rolled a 1.
Is the guy still in the second photo?
Except when they do.
Watching my girlfriend's tortoise while she's on vacation. She told me to keep him out of trouble.
More amazing animal facts!
never fails
It’s that time of year
Seen at Ikea yesterday ...
As if being a weeb alone wasn't enough
... But I only needed one sheet!
Even Hogwarts is racist
Potus spits fire
Punch line back on the face
Couple goals ❤️❤️❤️
Just for a second he forgot about his parents.
patrick was smart all along
Let's do the Maths Dance !!
Diet tip
tru fax
average hugeloler trying to kill himself
Things That Tell The Truth
What my mum pulled out of our garden today...
"I told you, they are not the same color"
honesty pays off
Sci Fi vs. Reality
It's the motive that counts
So much burn
Looks like the fad is over...
A true breakthrough
Americans abroad
android > apple
raw sauce
He thinks he's slick.
useful tool
The moment your daughter realizes you bought the grandson musical instruments for his birthday
Best Slogan Ever
Picture from a friend's house looks like her dog got laser vision
Attempted Murder.
DJ Flick The Bean
Stocking up for next hurricane season.
This Halloween decor at my Wal-Mart
I know what I want for Christmas!
Sign Defense
Our kid got stuck in his pop up tent and basically gave up on life
Fatty gets roasted
Be like a panda
And it begins!!!
Part of our bachelorette party scavenger hunt involved asking strangers to write down marital advice for the bride. This is what one lady wrote.
wife asked for something to wear for her birthday so I made her a shirt. She didn't like it. So I'm going to wear it. Every. Day.
Simple Times
Don't listen to your parents.
She knew!
I think that my wife is tired of me complaining about leaving hair in the shower..
Celebrities..... Think they can get away with anything
Actual footage of nasa discovering new planet
Today is too oft overlooked
I met a hooker who said she’d do anything for $20
Public displays of affection: A short guide
How is NK a real place
I like this guy!
Badass obituary.
Sign at my local gym
A Butt-kin
Anon has a revelation
Halloween costume - Fire))
What charm did Ron use on Hermione!!
This grouper wasn't invited to the shark cuddle puddle
Photographer Tutorial number one: choose right location
Proof that my neighbor is bored in retirement
Shhh only dreams now...
Best AMA I’ve seen so far
Someone at Google has a sense of humour.
Large Cat Spotted
The more you know, girls
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
My friend's Apple Watch background
Good old Elon.
My parent's screensaver is just a bunch of pictures of Bill Cosby. They don't know why or how to change it.
Edge of the universe
That's just wrong...
I thought the future would be different..
Let's get the heck out of there Bob!
When the cat walks through while taking a panoramic pic