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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Just a gem
Those 100 people are Ghanas now...
Found an ancient artifact
His eyes say it all.
Christmas tree for cat owners. Someone's pissed...
Battle for the Net
John Carpenter's "The Thing"
Shut up, I'm trying to enjoy my free and open internet in here
I am back.
So this happened at my sister's swim meet...
Layover - literally
A green text story for y'all
This is the airlander 10. Or some may say asslander 10
This is SPARTA!!!
Ajit Pai’s Wikipedia Page
Once you pop...THAT’s GREAT!
Misspelled Star Wars in google, was not disappointed.
Wall now with a commanding lead...
I did not hit her, it’s not true, it’s bullshit, I did not hit her, I did nawt
We were not prepared for the strength of this balloon...
This Bobcat on Exhibit at the San Diego Zoo
such a good boi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Imagine Milky Way
The sound of pure power
Apparently Facebook requires you to give an explanation if you try to deactivate your account...
Walmart Product Placement on Point.
Completely optional, but also required
Grand Tour sweaters
A deleted scene from the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
This is why middle aged men shouldn't talk to strangers.
What politics should be
There's no way Yu-Gi-Oh is better than Duel Masters-
Day 1 after taking a seat.
Might or might not be a repost
Don´t cut yourself on this post.
Don't judge me, Netflix
But officer, I was just following instructions
No titel here
Every Time Lamar Davis Says Nibba In Grand Theft Auto V
Runing out of title ideas
Indian Yearbook.
This was spotted on a shop door in Galway the day after Paddy's day.
Just some elevators, I guess. Whatever.
This guy’s actual name
Realized half way through that I was most certainly not in math class.
My girlfriend was true to her word!
Handsome sun
she has her reasons
When you're feeling a bit spicy
The Motivation Question
GIFs in reverse
I wish....
Netflix in a nutshell
"Holiday Obelisk" for sale at a local art gallery
A little slower but more eco-friendly
Package hiding level: EXPERT
Dogs are not allowed!!!!
Khal-Mart Brand
The Hood Hammock
9 yr old kid makes up her own proverbs
How to take the last donut.
For everyone whose posts are always left in New
Pack Some Supplies
No Thanks Trying To Quit
One two three..Four...Five
One of the best Christmas decorations I've ever seen
Sunday nights
This is why you should fear the forest
k i t e
Fairy tales in 2017 be like
discussing pokemon cards
And the record for longest interview goes too....
My University made a funny.
As they say in gaming...
Just checking if you guys are still breathing.
Good Boys Recognize Good Boys
Your life, everyone's life
Just a casual Vampires school...
Dear world, please rob me
An important guide to pda
In Canada we don’t have rolling pins, we have.....
On second thought... not hungry...
Let's riot against EA
Tesla vs Toyota
5 star review for the Roku Streaming Stick
thing aren't always what they seem
Winters are tough on slower people.
Found this bad boy on the clearance rack. Ready to grow my extra set of arms this winter
Me walking down the street and someone drives by and honks.
The marshmallow gods have bestowed their blessing upon me on this day
The dogs are evolving
Now that’s a silent mouse
Dad Joking at the supermarket