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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Can't even trust your shadow these days...
sicne we got n place to go..
if you're blue And you don't know where to go to Why don't you go where fashion sits.....
Let it snow?
I'm sorry to bother you!
His name is Clifford
Anon is relatable
This bear was accidentally brought to the dog shelter and had a great time
smoth criminall
Relationship Status Right Now
***ing Weebs
utterly disturbing
Infinity Stones? I’ll give you $8 bucks for it.
This fish is NOT loyal
i started crying at six
The one true God, and the Devil. In one face.
Elon Busk (Windows2001)
Good thing we're not under a dictatorship
The chair that gave me a small heart attack.
Sucking daddys thumb
"Unable to connect to the internet."
Looks like Timmy is worm food.
Off the hinges
Indina Hones
oh shit, quick, drink all the milk
A small duck becomes a burglar.
"But mom I don't want to wizard!"
Flat Earth Society's reply to Elon Musk..
How to stop anyone from knocking at your door
this gets better and better
a swift kick to the gut
thomas the train diy
Hello fellow millenials!
Marvel is really killing it with the Cameos in Infinity War
This is your Houston Killopracter Dr Gregory Johnson [sauce in comments]
War, war never changes
No Shortcuts
totes craze
I need to have lower expectations
good question
Finally, I Understand Why Cars Have These Things!!!
Goes to job interview "So what skills do you have to offer?"
Missing a Tabby?
Broke my boss's mug that he had for 10 years. I think I got a suitable replacement.
ma tim is now
They weren't kidding.
Seems rigged to me
Seems a bit harsh.
Size 1
Matt Lauer got fired from NBC!
one bunch
Church by me
My boss said he couldn't leave the house to come to work today. He attached this picture.
This 18 year old Futurama joke
Strong message!
Pro tip.
I never thought about it like that before...
If you remember who this is, you would’ve been so jealous of me when I was 6
Meanwhile, in front of me on the interstate...
Plz HELP! Is there anyone know snakes? Will I be poisoned?
These are elves. They make snow.
Are you nervous?
Just cooking
Proper grammar
food before dudes
:DD :D
When Sherlock meets sherlock
Eat at Jeff Burger!
how i failed my licens test
Getting the plaque was cheaper than paying for shipping
It's not over
Me in the Winter vs me in the Summer
Anon goes to a strip club
Paul McCartney's new album could do with a catchier title.
blue pill
USA vs Bosnia
Me trying to get some of those free trials
bob it
Someone posted an ad about a "cat" that they found this morning
Are you proud of me Hugelol
The girl my sister was baby sitting had a look of pure joy I’ve only seen once before...
It's the big comeback of the damned meme (surprise in the comments)
Spaceballs predicted it.
Very disappointed
Dammit, boy, go play! Momma's eatin'!
Viral is still cancer and I forgot to post a pun on Pun Tuesday
That wink wink
a bit late on the meme train but yeah
Am I trippin?
semiotically woke
The Flat Earth Society wins a trip to space...