Tom Brady looks like a single, divorced mother that just won full custody of her kids and is leaving the courtroom.

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With a name like that she never stood a chance.
Me today watching the Super Bowl
I'm looking at you HDL
I want to see into that
Damnit Scotty
Dear Diary, today I committed murder.
The only man i want to see in the super bowl tonight
The moon phases
Where are the legos?
that's why I don't play multiplayer games anymore
My brother's bird died this morning. I saw his google history. So sad...
Too latte
When grammar is everything
Once you go black, you now have a redneck
A classic
We heard there was a superb owl party?
her face just says "buzzfeed"
Looks like Alan beat the hangover and made it to the 10k! Nailed it.
Roses are scary, I can hear voices
I wonder how he can stand all this blame
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
Also, blue blood has healing properties
me too
When your dishwasher is mad at you
Why I went to Florida
So my kid has now realized the full potential of the little recliner we got him.
Mrs. Frizzle took the kids to Chicago...
The oldest grudge
The Greatest. Believe me.
Are they his gang then?
Copper > Air
big nibba runs
Got some new faces here.
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris.mp3
God #blessed
Now that is a good connect game
me flirting
what else do we put in a sock?
Wife sent me to get milk...
: )
Everything's starting to add up...
Gott ist mit uns
Exit 329 Closed.
Also comes in a asbestos flavor.
BReaking By Anus
Support Time Travel
Barista review proudly on display at Starbucks
Cool guy
This has to be true.
Such a dissapointment
That's one way to break it to the kid.
Two 50p coins.
Fighting Bears
What's a Superbowl
Schoolkid drops a firecracker in a sewer.
No judging, Arkansas
Just because it's technology doesnt mean it's intelligent.
Super Bowl guide
" understand I must end you"
Maybe Dora should stop exploring the kitchen.
But you have heard of me
TV comrade is watching you
Doing 10k tomorrow super bowl run as Alan from hangover. Think I nailed it?
YoUR’e KiLLiNg aNiMaLs
Me as a husband and dad
what a wonderful sound to hear
The face of a dog who lives with 4 kids under the age of 10.
Lost my kid in Target... found him here.
Cats got some balls
Simultaneously amazing and terrifying
Quantum Superposition in the macroscopic scale
Damn thats strong
The Room: Asgard Edition
smonke apparatus
ow well
Friend had to get all of her toes removed. She commemorated the surgery with this tattoo.
Good look for shoping
Shouldn't have tried to keep him away
That one teacher...
Appropriate tweeting
Our local Chick-fil-A and Moe’s BBQ had a little argument through their signs
Why isn’t Google working?
Technically not true, but still funny.
I think it's better now
Hate when It happens
A wild teenager appears
Lies! All lies!!!
I'm somewhat of a big deal
A ‘loyal’ wife
Calculus level 272037