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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Exercise Chart
The level of "minding my own business" I'm on right now.
Just driving around town and saw this...
There’s a folder for every occasion...
"well there goes the animation budget."
This should be on every menu
Creative advertising
Vaccines will now be called preservatives.
What the hell is going on!
Your hard work always pays off, even if you you directly see the results
Privacy in 2018
some good people left in this crazy world
Saw the directions on my Chemistry Worksheet and couldn't resist
My favorite day, said Pooh
A Quiet Office
IQ: OVER 9000!!
Ryan Reynolds being a legend in fbook as usual
Hitting that second wind
Bit of dark humour
I heard the term “prima donna” in a movie. I was not familiar with the term so I Googled “premadonna”. I feel stupid...
He Fisted Hard
When you're a metal fan but also love dogs
I'm so happy for them!
I was groomsman at a friends wedding and the photos just came back. I’d forgotten about this photobomb. The photographer was in tears laughing. This is from pre-wedding.
Found this while going through my phone
BAD rock! Down boy!
Durex' post on Facebook!
Painful Lego
uuuuh next step?
Highly Accurate
*music stop*
People finding all these small and cute things, and here I am finding the worlds smallest toilet.
high tech
Damn News
What a legend couldn't handle.
difficult choice
That’s an... intersting sign!
Even Netflix knows
Nice motorboat you got there
Very nice
The polite pangolin.
9 months later.....
Jesus goes...
Well that’s one way to do it
I'll never eat these again
Looks conclusive to me, guess that's settled
Good work boss man
Cat Earth Theory
My friend had her first period at a water park, and her German friend made her bag
They were so close
With extra pupperoni, kid.
what.. did you just.. SAY!?
Don’t just erase memories, erase the entire ***ing hard drive.
Zuckerberg's a robot
Hold Up While I Break My Arm For So Free Chick-Fil-a
Windows on admin permissions
NASA break room problems are different than most. Taken today @ Johnson Space Center.
Road trip with all of my friends!!
Married 52 years!
Is going to be confirmed soon
My wife ordered a new "toy" from an app that gets things directly from Chinese manufacturers. This is what came in the mail.
The new billboard for my local burger place
Damn, Durex are savage!
Patrick's Star
Some serious shit's going down here
Rack and Cooter.
Eating a kilo of lasagna by myself? Check
give color to life..
not sure
The Zucc must Succ
Boston accent mandatory
Pick it up
Biggest lie in the history of the world
Just trying spread some nice vibes
Organic Truth
Syria for desert
This work place bathroom sign.
How to get bamboozled 101
Oh fucc
Notification email from Twitch
When you're sleeping and the mountain of clothes in your chair is looking at you
Things you cannot unseen
Jesus saves man from the gay
Well that was a turn of events...
When you dont know where police caught you speeding...
Awkward billboard placement across the street from work. In southern Indiana even fetuses have gun rights.
Here is a church that looks like a chicken.
My mother would rules the world with that