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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Chick Fil-A Mascot
CAT it is
Google Assistant apparently doesn't like being called other AI's names
My food prep is finally giving me that body I always wanted.
When you live with your parents vs. When you start living alone
2 versions of the same story, one fantasy and another derogatory!
The only Argentinian to lift a cup in the past 23 years
How do I join?
Childhood store is closing
Disappointing Grandpa
Texas kinda rules sometimes huh
Trump is doomed
Summer in Arizona really makes you reflect on one's life choices.
Howl you doin?
Joseph best Jojo
It all seemed very legit.
Spider-Man isn't playing any games.
That should be comfy
What u see vs what she sees...
WORKS EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poor caterpillar!
who gives a flying f*ck!
This is a sign I can get behind
My friend sent me this from Electric Forest 2018.
Funny sign I saw in Norway
I mean, ... true.
Quick, get some bone hurting juice.
True, but there's actually only 52 frames in it though.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3 in 1
We have an office dog and he visited me today.
Itza woman
So. I just got back from Australia......
When your 80 year old grandma is sharing memes on Facebook
Disney princesses as cement mixers
OfferUp Asking Price: $80, Low Baller Offer: $15, The Screenshots: Priceless
Meteorologist knows wassup
I'll never look at them the same again.
Rest your breast also works
Vintage Selfie!
True story! Stay fit you guys.!!
Surveillance System's
My nephew waiting for the pool to fill
Lol, kids.
The people at my local Toys R Us did this
What's wrong with this pic
German store is giving soccer balls away for free so that the next generation plays better.
Jurassic Park at the rally at the White House today
And one of the biggest meme pages worldwide
Shit, I thought you said mom’s new bf was a *cheater*
When your HOA won’t let you put a pool in your yard!
One of my favorite tweets right now
Comment with names typical of this behavior
Geoffrey's final farewell
haha, yes
Video game tokens got replenished at work. I left this for the next manager.
How this African American man manages to cleverly evade being racially profiled by cops
We all know someone like this.
Burns the soul alive
That work-life balance
What wish does your butt make??
I love you anyway
mr moustache was wrong
Nice bush...
My fiancée didn't think it was funny
Laziness Master Level Unlocked.
My 13 yo daughter made this short comic
he is so happy
Swedish fans.
Saudi Man or Yummy Jam
After 9 months with me, this is how my phone wants to start every sentence.
I will have 6 of those please
Toothpaste Tube looking for “Death with Dignity”...
Some Shady Shit
Now that's a wild ride!
Inappropriate dad jokes
The moment you realize you forgot to turn off the flash...
Practice makes perfect...
You Maniacs!
Just India things
What a goddamn ride
My sister was gardening outside when she turned around to find our cat like this...
I see you weather station.log and raise you a coconut
Carrey Family Reunion
Doesn't a joke require someone to listen to you?