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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This is so sad, can we hit delivery boys?
He is a good Spotter...LOL
The most wonderful thing in the whole wide world
I'll never forgive the ToddHowardese!
You Have Respect Man
"He's just standing there, menacingly"
Power move, indeed
Game of the Year
the implication
Kill me, kill me now
Is that even a question
This is thine dick in a box
This is D&D, not Philosophy 101
Best fortune
Scotty nooooooo
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
I can show you the wayyy
Happiest Grannies
I'm so lonely. I need friends...
When you are single for so long anything starts to look good....
Ah yes.. “Just buy a new one”
Finally found the square root.
How’s it feel, ***?
Mozart was a Mad Lad himself
Can’t let the demons get me
Goodbye cruel world!
My parents took my sister and her friends paint-balling for her birthday. My dad’s not really the aggressive type....
Sometimes homelessness isn't a bad thing.
A Class Of Students Were Required To Pick A Marvel Character To Embody Within A Resume And Cover Letter. This Is What One Student Handed In
The hardest choices require the strongest wills
Vegan poop..
This is the face I make when someone hands me a $100 bill for their $3.11 total...
Outside vs Inside
“Can I bum a smoke bro?”
Sequel of the Year
My 70 year old grandma got some new coasters.
time to invade
I believe in you, bottom of pan.
HHHHAAAAAAAA!! *cue creepy music*
Clergy In Space! Pew.. Pew...
If I could only reach down there
Pardon me
This bad boy can fit so much crossover memes in it
When the time comes you need this
Wisdom from Tony
I like this version so much more.
Punk rock kitty.
There is no punchline, just 50 seconds of this
The only answer
Annoyed bird
is this real
Fine, I'll deal with Wendy's myself.
Normally i would never post something as that, but this, i think you will like this.
Was this their plan all along?
I am Grope.
When you've lost the wheel to live
Tough decision.
Wut du hek
Less Calories
Go on.. Give him the pencil
Pretty generous of them to offer a free meal after my wife and g/f have trashed the place
Russia won?
Two types of futbol fans
oh boi
Work thoughts
good mind f$*&
How to eat a popsicle in a room full of men
It would be a shame if someone were to pickpocket them, and leave a grenade in their pocket.
I am at my best when the water is running.
The Reason Why You Must Not Postpone Travel Plans Till Retirement
On the lookout
A PSA from 50¢
Waffles also had an unfortunate run-in with a bee...
Does it mean Sweden wins in any way
This cat in google street view
Accurate survival guide.
No u
Chick Fil-A Mascot
CAT it is
Google Assistant apparently doesn't like being called other AI's names
My food prep is finally giving me that body I always wanted.
When you live with your parents vs. When you start living alone
2 versions of the same story, one fantasy and another derogatory!
The only Argentinian to lift a cup in the past 23 years
How do I join?
Childhood store is closing
Disappointing Grandpa