What to do when your girlfriend is on Skype

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Jail is a jail
That’s one way to do it I guess...
Grandpa 'was' savage
The most dad thing my dad has ever done.
This is how you earn business.
Historic landmark
This guy came into my buddy's work yesterday. Approved!
Fun awaits
Excuse me ma’am, but I can see your....... Oh, never mind...
My wife left for art class so I decided to help her finish her drawing
Well atleast he isnt a liar
Knew I forgot something...
After 2hrs of watching the supermoon
Every time at work.
That smile.....
Salad, nature's comedian
My dad just sent me this...
Hey, it's the female version of James Franco
Don’t listen to the cat
And they say wind turbines are bad for local wildlife
Motivational Memo
Killer Whales
Moon eclipse reveals the truth
Clippy! Is that you, old friend?
Pure wisdom
Oh my sweet summer child
Religion the right way
*shoots arrow*
My dad just sent me this image he took while in China
Please don't try it
Summer life.
Damn commies are everywhere
I'm helping
Jimmy need's a McSpanky for endangering the restaurant.
Anyone else do this
The real reason dinosaurs are extinct
Those tricky sly ***s
Took a fantastic photo of the blood moon tonight.
Old skool
Now that i think About it yes, i might be a racoon.....
Just letting y’all know
Will do sir. Will do
Take me already!
*Looking around for employees*
Burning calories
My life will never be as interesting as this guy thinks his is
Find a cure!
True! My Rosie is my best friend!
I bought a roll of these. Day 1 of 500.
Take me home
Ask your dad
Party crasher
Savage mode activated.
I’m sorry Jim...
Thare you go
Job is vacation
My husband bought me a mannequin to sell clothes on Poshmark and our kids are terrified of it and insist we cover it with a blanket because its less scarier....i have to disagree
I don't know who to trust anymore.
Who said I want to live?
Barbara you suck at your job
Quality of chocolate
I remember when I was your age
When you're walking in the park and an animal has a side quest for you
I wear this when I'm feeling cheeky
People: What's it like working as a mechanic? Me:
the man in red is using 'The Force' to stop the bat.
Busy cat..
Never forget
This kids menu at the hotel I’m staying at
I threw a tennis ball, he brought back a crab apple. Close enough, I guess.
I’m tyred
"What Day Is It?" Asked Pooh
Nice Dong
Hey guys, we know.
I was in a public restroom when I discovered this sacred rune...
My best mate’s wedding pictures came back and I don’t come off well here
I said I tried
Stranger things kids seem to handle the hosts well..
It's a f*ckin crowbar
Top Gear was Great!
I miss his smile
Probably more true now than it even was two years ago when it was drawn...
When pub staff T-shirts go wrong.
My four year old son brought his new Leatherface mask on the hike yesterday. Looks like he’s ready to wreak some havoc on the valley below.
Need to get fit?
Oh... thanks U-Haul
*Cries in japanese*
Why not both?
My chilli came with a handy clip so that it can be worn with elegance.