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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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You don't have enough space
Mom ran out of ink
Seriously tho...
Not many will understand
She cares for me the way a robot would
Never buying from again.
Valuable feedback
To all the crust haters this pizza place has something to say
After twelve years I finally got my husband to dress up.
Bunch O’ Beckys
Im dead
Don't you dare
Apple problems
I bet a face swap with this pup would be cute.
Move out of the way
Those cross country runners better run fast...
Why so SEC-rious?
Hah, that's bullsh... Omg stop it
Life with a younger sibling in a nutshell
Sunday Shopping with the lady, this is the real MVP.
Was taking a panorama and caught this creature on film.
At least all the hair is gone.
We also didn't do too bad
My son is a fart for Halloween
This sign at a farmers market
Turns out drunk people have a hard time with puns
fckign thots
Wasted Potential
Wait. We’re posting our Bob’s Burgers costumes?
Money may not buy happiness, but it can buy the world's strongest button.
Would you dare to go in?
oh god
My husband and I winning "best couple" at the casino
These dudes dressed up like Jay and Silent Bob and hung out in front of a convenience store all night.
My news app has this feature
Dressed up as a ‘drinking problem’ and got virtually no laughs
you need to do this
That is funny...
I love Dr. Phil
you dont have long
Sarah Jurassica Parker
Daylight saving hours!
Guy's don't fight.
Seriously Florida every single time
To The Thief...
The children are judging you this Halloween.
Found this on google a while ago
He’ll need to have speech 100 when he explains this to his wife
What with?
why are there so many memes of this game right now
No homo
What n' tarnation
Actual search results.
Kid is going places
The importance of time management...
Keep it in your pants, or bag.
A good halloween decoration
I guess it is treason then
Knock off Halloween costumes
Oldie but a goodie - fitting for a Sunday
Hope you will understand this too
Meanwhile in Britain.
Can we all agree that the Number four is just beautiful?
High Royalty
That is technically correct. And technically correct is all I need.
So very unique as ***
My wife went to a pirate themed charity bowling event but decided last minute she didn't want to dress like a pirate since she figured everyone else would be. So she went as a cannon.
They're just taking it slow
My kid wanted to be Beefsquatch... but my kid’s mom made a better Bob so I was Linda.
My one year old girl as Mental Hospital Ace Ventura
Dogecoin CEO barking orders at the Tokyo head office
I still feel beta though.
I invented the piano key necktie. What have you done? NOTHING.
Wow, did Rugrats really nail what adult life is like.
This Russian tissue packet
I’m in a metal band. Here is this year’s group costume.
Someone’s had a baaad day
Are you with me?
I don't want to go.
A tale of undying honour...
This section of the store intentionally left blank
This is me after a few hours at a new job
He did it again
The story behind it
Boys we got him
My son is my spirit animal.
Oh yeah she does
Today I climbed a mountain and was rewarded with this incredible view
3am is weird..
I’ve done it. I have created the scariest Halloween pumpkin.