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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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When you're being monitored, so you have to be clever with your messages
Too accurate.
Futurama never held back on the dark humor
Got my mom to stitch this for me after seeing it here a while back
We ***ed up, go back
hairless cats
well hello there
Yes, fun indeed.
Only a day
F*cking gold
A simple case of *** off.
Seriously, he needs to stop vaping. /s
I don’t believe in vaccines either
Pythagoras utilizes gravity to troll - very effective ¯\__/¯
“Well shit.....”
not from a jedi
If mario kart ever taught me anything
When Halloween is over..
That is still very relatable
Kablowie, your mom is now a bowie
When The Teacher Says 5 Minutes Left
Price check on register #9
Trick or Treating at Ronald's house.
I drive by four in my 20 minute commute.
Thank you Starbucks
South Park Quotes - by @iarigby
Shockingly cute.
My daughter tells jokes that my son finds uncomfortable
This dog's butt looks like Jesus Christ
Burn level: Forest Fire
If you have an older sibling, you recognize this...
Roger that..
“Why are you thinking about moving to Wisconsin?” “No reason”
Magic power of summoning a cat
Avengers, I'm looking at you.
You get one wish.
Why? We’ll never know the answer.
So it's a race.
Anon lives the college life
The only models that have influenced me
Too big?
Shaken not stirred
Elsa Jean
Inventing the Hot Air Balloon
Day 2 of no nut November
I was told I needed to try to make it lifelike...
Oh Henry’s new marketing in Canada
There’s only one way to find out
I laughed at the irony. Then cried at the truth.
The House
Duties of being the fun aunt
Cat named Dickface
"just november? heh" *scoffs*
When you’re so tired that you don’t care how you look.
Local music store with a can’t-miss deal
The whole underworld agrees.
That must be a good one.
Baby carrots
Like a psychopath
When you hate everyone
Tell your lies somewhere else
Not a great help in No Nut November but thanks!
I feel like this belongs here
When you try to hug her, but she’s still mad at you
User name checks out.
Paint 100
When you gotta bring the groceries in the house in one trip
There is no hiding from Michael
I may or may not be inspired
Aggressive indeed
Cuts me off in traffic then I looks down to see this... Well played. Lol
Museum Lookalikes
The power of pizza
"why do you like traps?"
Wash Dogs on PS4 by Lewis Munns
When My Computer Downloads a File
Is this a costume?
My daughter and me this Halloween
Nice, very very nice
My friend won the Halloween costume contest. Are you surprised?
These darn millennials
I prefer the latter.
2001 vs 2017
An obvious ad by Air Wick.
Oh, look, a scooter!
Local bagel store doing it right.
Our Kid Dressed Up and Waiting to Trick R Treat this Year
All the faces I make during an exam
For Halloween I had an inflatable cat on my roof. Last night it was very windy. This is what greeted me when I opened the door this morning. Almost had a heart attack.
Hot milky
Under pressure
The taller the shack the better the crack!
But Lt. Dan you aint got not legs