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I'm here since the beginning. I have seen all posts on Front since the birth of HL.
Hardcore Commenter

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Business per usual
The comment at the bottom..
but it really be like that
Don't cut down trees
Outstanding move indeed!
I definitely feel like this while interviewing...
Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving
there are certain behaviors that are cause for alarm...
I confirm this message!
Is this meme still relevant
Don’t mess with the alpaca
Things your truck lets you do that your wife won't.
“Honey... why are we in Cleveland?”
I still can't do a rubik's cube.
The Rob Cycle
My friend’s kid’s diaper report from daycare ... *faints*
Let’s be real. This is just an adult lunchable.
(stifled moans)
shit negro, that's all you had to say
Dr. Doofenschmirtz at it again.
The ultimate proof that anime is cancer
One of my couch cushions is staring at me.
Perfect Artist
That is pure genius !
double standards
random company > apple
Must go faster must go faster
tik-tok motherf*ckers
Guess i downloaded the wrong one.
What underage teens look like with vapes.
Omg, his face makes me die
Impeccably-dressed kitty carefully surveying wet market in Vietnam.
But I WAS born in the 90’s!
Mainstream manipulation...
My mum bought a sweater for our dog but I had a different idea.
Stupid cowboy architects.
No childhood cartoon was complete without seeing this ad 10 times a day.
Sick tat
The curse
I crack myself up.
Hans Gruber continued to be a villain later on in his life as well..
Perfectly balanced
Hurt lvl 999999999
*dab in 1932*
This abomination needs a name
I expect my Father to do the same.
I’m fine...
Let me introduce you the frappajappajooza!!
Bird Box
Why I wish I were a cat
Girls vs guys.
wouldnt want to get banned for posting a swastika
Costs more, does less, simple as that
That’s how it be
This is history right here
This is why people struggle to spell superhero names!
Outstanding indeed.
Behold, King Seeker Frampt
Did you really need to ask?
With over 26 million likes so far, an egg is officially the most liked picture on IG. Good job internet.
Serve and protect!
This is how mafia works
I dtoöe this from nein gag. ._.
STFU Pauline
Hm, the battle of stans
I'm proud of you son
Guys and Gals, we have proof of the robot uprising. That wasn't an accident.
the parents tolerated it because he's famous
Nice aiming
It ain't much
Meet the Fibonnaci Bear, the absolute master of Golden Ratios.
Bring me another smurf!
Deleted Ending (recovered scene)
Bird box ruined my friend’s tattoo that he got 2 years ago.
How I look at my son when I catch him doing a fortnite dance in public.
WTF Evolution?
It’s even in the right order
You think YOU live in a rough neighborhood...
one huge step for humanity... i guess
My coworker's sweater matches this instant coffee pack
It be like that though
This cat fully shaved... except for its face
Here, have some giggles!