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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Close enough
Cool helmet!
i hate these type of quests
Pull that up
Gerard Depardieu, the french Wolverine
nah it's everyone else's fault
Brief Story of My Life
Oh well
Good Networking Advice
Wife made sure that her hubby when out with a bang !
Not Tired
New Black Panther looks great
My disappointment is immeasurable
I was about to take a pic of both my husky and his daughter looking at the horizon, but suddenly the little one looked at me and pulled its tongue. Result was better, cant complain
Love light
You underestimate me
He hitting it hard
Cross section of earth
Damn HaTeRs
Brave explorers, we salute you
Come on pie
I'm not proud
Fake news
*loading comment*
At least he knows what he wants
+69 Intelect.
Please don't
Name one character...
I'm King
I still use the Tupperware too.
The Vikings have arrived!
A scene for such a time as this
Nvm plan's off guys
Love at first sights
I kinda really need this
A better halftime show than Maroon 5.
Made this for my anti vaxer sister-in-law.
11 days*
Police reports
"i lost 67 billion... But wait i still have 67 billion"
I know we've all thought about it
His concerned face.
In our office, only one guy works,and we changed the name plate for him.
The birth of an ass-man.
Icelandic dÖggÖ
I'm just gonna wait till Spring for my car
“Does your storm drain spark joy?”
And a goddamn ice cream machine that WORKS!
Spider-em? Slim Lord?
I found gold
You VS The gazelle she tells you not to worry anout
Birdplane 7-cawty-7
Now you know how to take pictures in a museum.
This is how the amazing spiderman earns money
what a bad type of medicine
Does this need a mature tag?
Good ol times
Good yard
Open the gate a little
Steamy, plastic like, and electronic?
People disgust me,
New movie the last child
Nervous Hippopotamus
Never do it for free
I realize this probably isn't the most original idea for a wallpaper ever, but I made myself giggle today.
Cool Running Legs
Wife ordered a BLT with cheese.
Told my mom I was surprised our son, who was born on Sunday, didn't look anything like me. She sent me this pic. Congrats Simon Pegg!
KFC chicken leg
Tide Pod Rod
Buying cars nowadays
Please help Larry he needs to provide for his family!!!!!
The Super Bowl halftime show we all wanted
A childhood favorite
Onward trusty steed!!
Making money 101
I guess being a statue isn't the only reason that girl is never going to move from that spot.
Drug dealing today
When the cop is a savage
Is there a jay-kwellin here?
Eating alone
I love crossovers
My Neighbor is getting a little upset with our homeless trash guest. I couldn’t resist.
I have famously huge turds.
God I love saying the N-WORD
But first, tacos.
You either die a hero....
Queens guard getting a haircut
I mean he’s not wrong
Nothing like a wine part without cheese
Join Starfleet they said. Imagine the worlds you'll see, the adventures you'll have, they said.
She was too good for him anyway.
Manboobs best boobs
So who's gonna tell them?
why would you do that?