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HL Discord: - OC Only - gigalol:-752598949
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Hahaha funny title
Don’t worry if you are lonely today men. You’re not a pair of shoes
Humanity prevailed.
I love democracy
Ok, maybe
Good sport...
Where dem scalps @
True story ;_;
Till Valhalla.
Not sure which stick was thrown, so he got them all
Just the Vax!
I'm in!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
My husband had these set up on the counter for me and said “It’s your early Valentine’s Day gift. Don’t ever say I didn’t get you flowers.” This is why I married him.
Probably I’ll shart..
And the universe will know balance.
So hyped rn
Satan rolls
Time for a more realistic logo.
Ummm sir
But I'm YOUR wife
*** NO gold diggers!!!!!
Why is this a thing!?
Hey girl
Not something i expected to see in my statistics textbook
I think it helps a little bit to remove Will Smith's nipples
If aliens ever come to Earth
Too much is never enough
One metal good boy
Nom nom nom nom....
I do love him but...
Let me come
If we're going to get technical about it ...
it be like that occasionally
My trendy fitness ring is actually a lego tire
Anyone wanna be my valentine?
Juan Kenobi
don't fck with me I have the power of God and anime on my side
Cleaning windows is for the birds
Some nice news from Florida
Thank you Vistaprint
Sad about being lonely this Valentines?
You can call me ugly all you want
Uno is life
I arrived to this
Fabulous Creature
Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on dec 7th, 1941
SeniorTaco is only canadian so he can get some Kinder Suprise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Pants party
Man got curved harder than the sun
Oke well done
These mannequins seem to be enjoying life more than us
lel "bestFRIEND"
Thanks for nothing Alexa you bint.
Where did you say the catnip was?
Get prepared for Valentine’s day with these quality poems
I’ve come for your soul
l o g i c
Just found this online. Credit to whoever made it
Punishments vs Goals
I actually did
Nibbas whomst've understood the entire plot through memes only
Goodbye my friend
Advance no-u-ing
Next level meme
Disney torture continues
Press F
Damn Trex
yeah :(
That’s better
His onion picking skills are legendary
There are enough BR out there
woke... slept?
Since we like English phrases on Chinese clothing...
How much for a rose?
I was super happy to come home and see odin using his new window bed
F to pay your respects
He went out for milk, no worries
Feeling pretty confident about this.
Local pharmacy gets it on for the Valentine's Day display
psst, Hey kids... you want some immunizations?
And people still don't understand that we should protecc
back then it was better to be small
Our Bodies truly can betray us...
I can't yeehaw you until you get closer
Cooking with a friend, went to use her phone for a timer and discovered she’s insane.
I'll call it crippling super AIDS
My grandma bought me a new shirt today. I'm 34.