This painting is in the bathroom at Red Moose, a coffeehouse in downtown Salt lake City. I had to share.

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Tis the truth
Happily divorced
rare sight of a wild Chad performing his mating ritual
Now imagine a ghost who listened to Insane Clown Posse......
This man found the home of the Clif
Metal AF
The truth can be funny.
Hah nice try Cosmo and Wanda
My friend sent her kid to school in a green shirt. This was the result.
I like him better on SNL
Leave something to the imagination.
I get it I’m breathing heavy
My friends and I recreated The Last Supper at our local Whataburger
Call me basic
Do not have kids, save 18.75 dollars.
Simple minded muggles
What a sick dad.
Fergus running for his life
That’s right David Caruso.
Down the wormhole
Sad reacts only
Been there buddy. Keep your whiskers up!
Avengers - The Final Cut
Adopt me now human!
Church of the lizard people
Yawned just reading this.
I don't want no trouble..
Netflix, it’s in your court now
Real Yu-Gi-Oh fans take showers
Work life in Bioware
Better to be safe than sorry.
"No one will ever know how cool I was just now"
If I had only stopped at the store
nothing wrong with boomerangs
Pizza is toast?
His future self
Misunderstood murder cows
outstanding move
Ork )))
Hardwork is really hard
its complicated (can someone gift me skyrim)
Been watching Simpsons for nostalgia forgot how funny it can be.
my eyes ow
Protest for Protester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best purchase I’ve made in a long time.
It do be like that sometimes
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Classic Bill.
ok cool
Let's all jump in this photo
Save the trees
Poor people..
I am in full tranquility
The cursed ones
do it
”Hey, I can roll my tongue”
Drug bad
The 1980s - such an innocent decade
Spooky boi
He’s doing his best
Savage joke
I present you the labrasauras
I couldn’t see it at first.
Until Charlie bites a finger
Bye but not bye, so bye again
I still remember how to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb," but I have no idea how to make a budget and stick to it. Thanks, school.
dark pizza souls
This is Rick and Morty level shit here
Come to life
We'll be bffs forever
I ordered some samples from a blinds store and in special instructions i told them to add a nice doodle
I would help, but...
Know Your Cats!
The perfect photo doesn’t exis...
Your facial hair says a lot about you
Advice!.. Noted
That's his cat?
Not your classic missionaries
I teared up reading this.
A new form of age indicator
Can’t handle the heat
I spotted this beauty of a window sticker today
I just had my mind blown, i can't stop doing this
I for one welcome our new reptile overlords
Tough week for Jeff Bezos
Dinero para tu bebe?
I hate it when that happens
Now I'll be up all nite thinking about this.