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4-Year Club

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Some smart humour here
Your momma sure does care about your schooling, son.
The best kind of dentist
True statements...
And She said YES!! #PROPOSAL
Why we shouldn't order boxers online
Not the pool I wanted this summer, but the pool I can afford
k cool
Sleep tight
Legends spoke of the emus rise to power
Ho Made Apple Butter
Thank you rural gas station for your sage wisdom.
Just riding in the car when suddenly my leg started hurting
It’s hot
The guy in the maths problem...
Serious question
Where is my Scythe?
i miss you robin
patience my dear
Distracting part
This is 100% true, probably
Best road trip
A little early, but couldn't pass it up.
every player of My Little Pony Online know this
This place is playing chess while other restaurants are playing checkers.
That scum
Security level: -9000
May I have your attention please
Looks familiar
good question
"No stains means it never happened"
I love this, now to convince the wife.
Big problems require big solutions.
Goodbye mom
Sent picture of my kids to the wrong number and their response was....
The code must be followed
This review on a jail
Writing in textbook
gamers unite
Clap dem Bags
Anon is Thurman
Shaggy is done with Fred's shtick at this point
My dad recently got a 3d printer and made a stool sample for his doctor
Undisputably an improvement
For the person who wants to get creative whilst putting someone down
Take your time order when you're ready
A ten minute nap was all I wanted. Darn kids.
No Hipsters.
Its strength is not allowed.
My sister started crying in the shopping centre so i put this over her.. now i can't take her seriously.
38 degrees in shadow
God save the ᴄunt
He's sexy and he knows it..
History Channel at 2 am
Surprise motha***a
Hakuna Mathatha, for the rest of your days...
This police departments review...
Seeing her cry makes me smile
Maybe it's because I am not a native speaker but this is funny to me
Wishing for a surprise
Bouncy CHOMK boi
Husky Cerberus
Wisdom of Mrs. Plato
(The winner was home sick that day)
Yeah, not a fan.
That's what I call a caution
Work/life balance, what's that?
He scares me
Tooo specific
Just another repost.
Some "Dim" Wit
Taking monthly pics of my baby
Oh Garfield
Google employees right now
Whatcha wearing?
Yale Sard ahead
I don't think he understood the point I was trying to make
Why no one takes my sharpie
"Smile Mittens!!!"
Jon Ivy just left Apple and the design is already suffering.
love small towns
Live and wet die
Grandma Living Out Loud
He wouldn't even see it coming.
The cat really need to lose some weight
it do be like that
it do be like that
Talk about taking a trip!!!!
Quite astute analysis
In case you re having a bad day :/
Atlantis posting
Breakfast in bed indeed.
probably the best note I could ever hope to find pinned to my door
If only this was true!
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