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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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My dad thinks he's funny
I felt this in my soul.
Winning sculpture at the 2019 Texas Sandfest.
My castle stands upon pillars of cumcrete
I needed a jump and after I thanked him for letting me use his battery with a smirk on his face he says “I meet the ladies this way”.
Concern Intensifies
Absolutely stunning
A few lines of a Britney song were given to a neural network and this is what the AI returned with
Saw this sign at a deli
I remember it quite well myself
A classic that always gets me laughing
blessed roast
We were away from work a few years ago and my boss was being a pest to the wait staff. Can you guess which country we are in?
L o n g face
1 France = 1 unit of garbage
Is this some attractive joke I'm too ugly to understand?
Other peoples Dogs vs My dog
This ain't about me
Ian hunt on that shit though...
I am in a masters program right now and this is my constant state of mind
A Spicey Meataball!
August's schedule
The most patriotic of bumper stickers
Driving Gold
The best card I’ve ever found.
Vacuuming at an animal shelter.
Finally got Uber in rural East Texas!
Peter Dinklage and his daughter
Damn, ok savage
Meat's back on the menu
Best decision
I only stare because I care
How about some Butters to brighten your day?
Awww man
What else haven't you told me??
Oh Yeah...
Gotta pump up those numbers
here is another one fam. another gift from my mom
Is that why my daddy left me?
"I'd have to check my calendar, why?"
My girlfriend wanted a cute photo of her on our last day of vacation
Good times, good times
Never to be seen again
Why human?
“So why did you get fired?”
Sorry to let your hopes down pal
I like tacos & burritos
Being a parent is hard
My mom makes cool shit like this all the time.
Ah yes, that familiar aroma.
Don't forget your pencil....
Peppa went to Chernobyl!
My youngest and oldest on Splash Mountain with me. This pic always makes me laugh.
You know, I'm something of a car guy myself
It is on sale!
toes detected
Today was my birthday. My friend knows Im a huge star wars fan so he made me this
Most difficult situation ever face
How do I beat this guy?
I'm subjectively busy
Hit the joint one too many times like...
Lift with your knees and not with your back
Shark stepping on a Lego
Multi-Aisle Drifting
Got a Jumbo Churro with white chocolate sauce. I did not think this through...
Top degeneracy
No pain no gain
Out of sight
Sorry wrong person
This is perfect for both toddlers and drunk adults.
Ace Ventura is the best of Jim Carrey in my opinion.
Ruled by cats
This birb is melting
Fire Swords
In the men's restroom today
Who doesn't love these things together!
Rail cat
Do tell...
Understandable incident
Vulture culture
The double life of Xi Jinping
Cups in Japanese McDonald's
Joe reading this title
They are people after all, I suppose.
First sweet potato harvested!
When men get sick...
Fabbiha cannot handle your shit rn
My buddy is really into cheese making right now.
This is worse than saying it out loud.
This hit me right in the feels
cover up