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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This is ***ing facts
You could just go and like every one of my posts while your at it
Got really drunk on a Cruise last night, woke up to this photo
This hit hard.
The Caps Loch ness monster
$100 bucks on cat toys at the store and...
Muscular kitty
let's get back to minecraft
This new Olympic sport looks interesting.
That’s one way to deal with a fender bender
Want to be this clean?
Always get your tattoos drunk
Final s'nail in the coffin
Don't leave your dragonfruit with your dog
We are all equal are we?
Oh it's the cameraman
You've been friendzoned
We updated our evacuation plan at work.
Is the kid ok...?
Suboptimal routes
Three. Take it or leave it.
The Bible.
Then who would be the modern Daedalus?
Seen at my dialysis center
I think I'll avoid bees from now on...
don't f with 50th prestige niggas
How did the DMV not catch it,?
Its just how it works plan and simple
I too take the top off my Oreos before I eat them
Please help.... Apparently we are going to die on Thursday
My grandma said the same thing
I’m a simple man
I showed you my boops... please respond.
crap crap crap crap crap
¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯
This review sold me on getting some friggin Heelys!
"Oh shit" handle
A true hero in our time
Futurama was a treasure trove of comedy
ooh so lucky
My boyfriend's friend recently got out of jail, and today is his birthday. Of course, this is the only appropriate way to wish him Happy Birthday
how to make movies the disney way
Nokia irl
Next up, granny versus carrot
Say NO to racism.
use your signals.
At the local dry cleaner
Funfact : in the end of life we die
New Zealand zoos system
chinese is cool
Peaceful middle ages
Because video games caused all violence
Sometimes You Have To Improvise
Lets not forget Steam either
Friends helping friends
This egg looks like my skin
I've been searching for so long it's starting to get that green top
Gotta stay woke af
I feel you Chinese brotha, I feel you.
September 1st, 1939 . Hitler playing his first video games that caused him to be violent and start WW2.
Thumb rule
When honor is on the line.
D&D is the devil
This ones for you slov.
I like to think they pulled one over on the DMV
Happy international cat day!!
If you insist *starts stripping*
thanks a lot george
Fun with Passive-Agressivity
Somebody tell her...
My parents are in Heidelberg, Germany visiting a castle which is next to a fraternity house. They just sent me this pic.
Elder problems..
I have been living in a duck
wi-fi spider
Video game bad
I shower for hours
The clown
Wanted to clean up my office, but is was going to take forever because of the Two Billion boxes laying around.
Just a Trim
Pop, six, squish, CORNBREAD
Self Awareness Week
Whisky enthusiasts should be free
this cat fooled me
Sounds like office.
System of A Down
Actually, it's more like Mr. Burns' composite illness
Amazing cosplay.
Come at me bro
Rare thing happens in examination hall
You're welcome for this.
Less violent video games. more tentacle porn
Snapple truly educates
Smart guy.