Never knew I needed this in my life till I saw it

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I told my brother in law I missed Florida, he showed me this.
My daughter said the school sent a note home. I asked what it said and she replied "How should I know? I can't read."
I got bored waiting to get help at Lowe’s
Video Games do cause violence! Its in the Bible!
My Life Was Lie ಥ‿ಥ
Having children these days.
Non-violent shots fired
oh no papa
GROUP Presentations
Arrested humor
damn it brain!
Comic by Eric Decetis
Anyone else see a problem
I found the spirit animal of this guy laughing at a couple of racists
A guide for All cinema enthusiasts.
Birds can be jerks too
who's the 5th woman?
Made me chuckle, and thanks for sorting by new. A Kevin Frank cartoon.
That’s what that tingling sensation was all this time.
Arguing these days
I am too Ralph...
Assert dominance
Flex on them
Nerve of some people
xX Lil Wood Ǝ Xx
This train is gong to hogwarts
Genius backup
certified bruh moment
that was very...salty
The sky is my limit
How lessons are learned
Handy in more ways than one.
REAL men!
Lasagna = Purina Cat food
What a business venture
CVS Receipt For One Item - Oil on Canvas, 1665, artist unknown
VidEo GaMEs mAke YoU viOLeNt
Greater good I to spit this into my eye?
You're better than this, Dave.
Gotta reach my goals
At first glance my brain decided this stall was selling monkey masks
Don’t tempt me with a good time
El Mono Lisso
Every. Damn. Day. If you see a row of cars behind you, GET OVER!
ughhh what dat mouth do
Fits like a glove
This wonderful birthday card I found yesterday
Title of
Video games cause violence
My friend refused to ask for help with putting sunscreen on, this is the result.
When a new toothpaste is released
How to get kicked out of Walmart
"Watchu say Curtis?!"
Let the support commence welcome to the 2019-2020 school year
I work at a call center. Sometimes I like to try and draw what my callers look like. Here’s Ed from today:
Video games... causing violence since the dawn of society
I'm cool w stayin home for awhile. JS
Came home from work after letting the dogs roam the house uncrated...
Proof that monstrous humans live amongst us.
Oh no, I forgot the milk.
I just got a vasectomy today, my wife got me this to celebrate
That’s some powerful toothpaste
Do I really sound like that?
Kid Rock now looks like a middle aged accountant who likes to dress up as Kid Rock
your post
Hate this so much.
of course
This is ***ing facts
You could just go and like every one of my posts while your at it
Got really drunk on a Cruise last night, woke up to this photo
This hit hard.
The Caps Loch ness monster
$100 bucks on cat toys at the store and...
Muscular kitty
let's get back to minecraft
This new Olympic sport looks interesting.
That’s one way to deal with a fender bender
Want to be this clean?
Always get your tattoos drunk
Final s'nail in the coffin
Don't leave your dragonfruit with your dog
We are all equal are we?
Oh it's the cameraman
You've been friendzoned
We updated our evacuation plan at work.
Is the kid ok...?
Suboptimal routes
Three. Take it or leave it.
The Bible.