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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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How to stun 85 level Warlock.
When the boss is exaggerating ...
Watch out for her stand 「Headless Waltz」
At night the beast sleeps
47 shots in self defense
big sad
Everything is memeable
no borking allowed
Gloria Going Great
I'm going to rest my eyes for only 5 more minutes...doh!
Nothing can hold him
I am my own opponent
If case somebody here needs a reminder
bye bye
The "p" is silent
You know... I could have just panel posted this
Oreos make me think of how much I _______ you!
Where’s my incognito tab?
This won’t end well.
Lol idiots
I however, will be participating in NNN to prepare for DDD
Every girl on Instagram
Stole this and made it better
I think we can all agree that this is a fine headline.
1 Anime A Day
Just a monster
it's my son
That hurricane better watch it's ***ing back
I think I might have to try me one of those reefer cigarettes
My toddler wants us to rent “the kitty movie”
Category 4 Party This Weekend
just like we wear kanji, people in asia doing this..
Is it just me, or is Express serving Starfleet realness?
Deviled eggs, anyone?
I wonder how should this be answered.
How could he cheat on her
Can someone confirm?
Funny shirt
Zankoku na tenshi no you ni
I recently became a dad and put my "uniform" on while still at the hospital. I've been planning this for a while.
Maybe we have more common ground than we thought
Ass hair?
world of tomorrow
My mom and I found a lot of these in my grandpa's house after he passed away, I've carried this one in my wallet for about 6 years now.
Acting drunk
Star Wars to the rescue :D LOL
Professor McConaughey
Grandpa on his freaky shit
Trying to Smash
Technology has made us no safer!
Have you ever seen an owls legs?
Blue moon
Doesn’t get more authentic than this
Dating goals!
Less than a week left
I Was Already Annoyed, But Now Im Just Offended...
Give me minions!
One of the photos Ryan Reynolds posted, wishing his wife a happy birthday.
Just letting you know that I'm coming over
I can still hear the dial up tones
Someone messed up real bad
Dumb ***
*laughs in spaghetti*
thats sort of gay
Bots are savage
She needed those Disney bucks
A new way to sneak food into the movie theatre ...
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd
Nice teeth though
Regret is temporary
Hey Dad, you know Pam?
I am a freelance technician, and I just happen to be working in the underground tunnels of Disney. Today I found this.
Is it just me or does young DJ Khalid look like the love child of Drake and Adam Sandler?
Loud eating
Snort the coffee powder
no opium this time
I'm sold
Working in a pet hotel
Yea no thanks
Killing Time
Lol, Butt Napkins
Why Rose, why??
Sometimes the stars align
Chick-fil-A vs Popeyes
Found about 20 of these cards while cleaning out my grandfathers man cave after he passed away. Going to miss his sense of humour.
Satan himself
I just had to share it, also the girl's gonna die.