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I don´t even know why i keep going back here. I have work to do yet i still go here atleast once a day. 8_8
Hardcore Poster
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But I would walk 500 miles <music emoji>
Spotted a Tenacious D reference today that made me chuckle
The service was perfect! I would definitely born here again!
Hello my like-minded friends
If we’re being honest...
that's a fact
1st attempt
Meeting Time
The new lunatics
Wall doggo
It's like the Peanut Butter and Chocolate of dysfunction.
thank you kind people
Bought Clorox wipes for the break room because I thought I worked with a bunch of children. Turns out I do...
Magic Sword
Laid down a kitten trap and caught something
“Child" was all over the news after being spotted smoking at a football match......he's actually a 36yr old Turkish man.
Gravity struck him.
Where is the cat?
Good ol 3 pocket pat down and go.
Oh snap! This made me crack up. It really hit my funny bone... Then broke it
It CAN be done!
Back in my day Juuls only came in chalk flavor.
Sounds very scary
I Slashed My Co-Worker's Tires.
An OS free of bugs
Thanks terry
the perfect cover...
Assassins creed in a nutshell
Making that money
I am, therefore I art
My professor's door
Ah classic...
so it isnt gay
It's best to play the game after midnight with a bucket of chicken next to the tank.
Rare photo of a white shark stepping on a lego piece
what would be the correct response
watch out Watch Out WATCH OUT
C is for Cold-blooded
Aww man I only got blood pressure pills and an antacid
Bad choices ma dude
that's because I had a no. 3 special
Killer Hips
A Volvo 240 Swallowing its Prey
Dunno who made this but it's funny..
Blew me away.
Are you using soap!!
I got the new iPhone early
So.....harry testies?
Remember when this was a joke? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Area 51 raid must not die
At least no sunburns for him
Take that, ***-ass puppy
Join the army they said... see the world they said...
Fatherhood done right!
Two number 9s, a number 6 and a number 8 mini
Everybody likes them
Well then.... I guess having a pool is nice......
This Cub is about to learn a valuable lesson
Let me light up real quick
squad wallpaper goals
The iPhone 11 revolutionizes cooking
58 is the number to beat
Zoolander 3 looks... Interesting
I need me some Pule
Whomever did this is a legend
Yeah, i'm a trashcan
i hope i can tell him to fire
Happy anniversary
Burn Ward
The had truth
Chonker Pokèmon
Missing Mug
Hasbro thinks women need a head start to be equal to men because they are inferior
Tech Support: Now and forever.
When you come out of volume 51 knowing that the Bermuda's triangle is actually a PYRAMID
obama giving obama medal.jpg
potions master.
It's a secret.
I’ve always wondered. Now we know
Hells Fargo
Remember kids, in moderation
Interviewer: What’s your biggest struggle in the workplace? Interviewee: Sometimes I just am a bit of a perfectionist and work too hard. Interviewer Next Question:
Starting a new healthier lifestyle
Rise of the fallen.
I'm offended!
I can't even do that with my imagination...;)
My daughters first ever school photo. She was so excited for days, went in and got mugshot instead.
Cool Chinese Names.
I need to know how!