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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Crusade 2.0
he still lives
Same Shit Different Year
Brian has a rich personality
Behind the scenes
A taller building
How not to lose your pet
feel my leg
So that’s how
Between two burns
Friday skooma
zoom zoom
Does it need a presta of shrader.
When Hermione meets Harry for the first time!
Beware of the tuna
Hey spike.
anon got rejected
Hey Green
Stumbled on the top photo and knew I'd seen them before
Worth the trip to Walmart
subtitles welcome
So after awkwardly sitting down on my couch, I said the top part. Siri then responded with the below.
We named the dog Indiana.
There is another
Dave Pikey is great
Hands on your back sir.
Went to Mexico and I order a SIDE of bacon. Mexico pulled through big time for me
Air Wrecker
The killer.
Waiting for death
"Renting goats to eat your Ivy is totally a thing"
***ing microtransactions
Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!!
The seats are super uncomfortable in this Uber
for shame
NVIDIA has really upped their graphics cards
Well then, I'm not saving the planet then...
My Grandpa mows the yard every week with the same grey shirt that has Yamaha written on the back with black letters. My Grandma just noticed this last week.
Roles have reversed !
Free Hong Kong
This city needs a new hero
The best solution
Can’t stop laughing
This is not the floor!
Frank Reynolds Wisdom
That's a loophole
We're probably banned in China anyways
Volcanoes are people too
oof sound effect 2
Hunny vs Free Speech
This piece is going to saw your head off!
Type A Er Type B????
No they are just quitting hearthstone
It hath been like that
Product placement. So Important...
There’s ***ing grapes in my mouse bag
Seen in my college lab
I'd drive it, not gonna lie.
I asked Loretta what the weirdest thing someone has left in the casino lost and found... she came back with this gem
The scariest pumpkin of all time
What airlines think humans look like
Can I get an "oof" for my boy blizzord
Smoke signals
Me, opening my eyes to see I have two minutes left before my alarm clock goes off:
by now WoB must be able to manipulate time, so no problem
Despite trying to live a normal suburban life, Pac-Man could not put his traumatic past behind him
the cycle
i will start all my googles from now with "show me"
Mac n' cheese was still awful
This made me laugh for a few minutes!
Cat in a box
Toby is all set for Halloween.
My son insisted he needed this costume. I obliged. No regrets.
get the receipts
Let Me Out
Piss your pants maybe?
Speed cameras are very distracting....
if you're in, you're in. no chicken
Wake me up after the class ends
Finally did the washing and this is what I get
The FU stone
not necessary in hentai
A really honest company...
Should I go for layup, free throw, or three point shot ?