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Hugelols Minister of OC
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Poster of the Month

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Cardi B
This man bout to eat
what a motto
I call bullsh*t
Turn that **** up fam
He has descended
I have a feeling this won't end well
She's single
That’s epic
The black panther!?
Based Waifu
All the excuse I needed.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
“Mom, I need 32 toilet paper rolls.” “Why?”
Thank You Doctor Who
Actual photo of me right after I take a shower looking in the mirror and wondering how I was ever able to trick someone into having sex with me
“I have a delivery coming. Can you grab it?” - My Wife
My favorite sign at my mother in law's house
I love my dad.
The Christmas Card of a high school friend
A Huge Dilemma
I bought a 12 pack of squishy penises that I plan to randomly place in my boyfriend's house, one at a time, every time I come over.
Interesting. EDKH
Only in Chicago!
Steinbeck eat your heart out.
They make look al dente now
The deeper you go...
My dogs face through her favorite toy
Die Hard Yard Decorations Christmas
Well, it's better than being asked "are we there yet?"...
Dam right I will!!
I work at a call center. Sometimes I like to draw my callers. Thank you so much to everyone who makes my job a little easier.
Someone killed a Level 1 Fratboy but didn't take the loot drop
Jim'll Paint it: Yer an addict Arry!
Facts only
Next up on the pole, please welcome, Sierra!
My socks finally came.
Wife vetoed my birth announcement design...
Bad Art
Ah yes, Poopy Butthole Rock.
Just give me it
Yub nub intensifies.
Shattered am I.
this tbh
A very informative sign I came across today in Nebraska
Don't even ask for a source
How to slim down easily
So i got a problem
Sorry about the 5p resolution
These posts in my timeline can’t be a coincidence
Reminder to take frozen turkeys out today!
This sign outside a local eatery.
Try it, you'll get laughs
Meanwhile in Chicago...
Cosplay 100
Why is everyone screaming, I really like those weird clouds.
Smell weed every Sunday
The theory of evolution.
A wild end of the month appeared
Sounds kinky...
Seen in the wild...
They be sippin to much tea
Not so fast
Tell me Doctor, is it a Re?
Who ever edited this ty
He's being proactive!
Actually you can counter it with pepper
Every time we go for a walk
Sometimes you just gotta hear it out loud
How I dressed.
A disappointment even in bed
Never do drugs
Female storm trooper!
Someone Has To Say It....
What could go wrong if you take a photo holding a bag of popcorn?
You Good There ??
Electric Scooter vs Regular Scooter
I love paris
The name of this candle.
Good boi?
Society time
How the table turns
Solid retirement planning
Lol idiots
This didn’t age well ....
Glass was made in Tesla
What kinda smart-ass crack is that?
Really, Elon?