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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Usually I don't like camo wraps but this is one is really well done
Toilet Shopping
My friend asked me to make him a picture that he’s sending to his family in response to all the pictures they send him for the holidays.
Merry Rexmas
Same story every winter
Found our cat's Doppelganger.
you thought!
I was a terrible roommate
10/10 for tinsel placement
It's mind boggling how this only made $44 on Kickstarter
My wife’s new bathroom decorations...
Second to last day of class for the semester. I am over it.
This is an insult to the GOD OF TOILETPAPER!
Hate my job
It gets the job done...
All restaurants should implement this.
Out with the bois
My dad is a cop. My mother missed some details when she bought him this patriotic phone case.
This ain’t it chief
Mess with the meow meow.
December's schedule
Found this in an Italian restaurant
I feel you home girl
My short mom sends our family photos of her with really tall people #3
Hard to Swallow Pills
My neighbor posted this on their door
A comic I made
Fake United signs posted at the airport
No credentials are needed
Kiss the Frog!
Is this textbook Gospel?
I’m screwed
Assclapatus must be captured
Funny or sad, you decide.
dogs are always down to party
Copycat MIB
This is just the absolute worst advent calendar I’ve ever gotten
Harry Spotter and Dr. Snipe
This has become a three ring circus
I’m not sure what I was thinking to be honest
It's time time
oh right!
Barney's dong
‘If any of y’all are missing a dildo, my dog found it’
the age old wisdom of using someone else's wisdom
Stress reliever from kid to adult.
David Spade is starting to look a lot like the shitty grandpa from Willy Wonka.
One hell of a ride share service
Well said master Ooqway
Didn't expect crackwatch to have such good memes
"If your dog will vouch for you..." -a very wholesome sign from a hotel I just stayed the night at.
Man will be a man.
Saw this on the back of a van
Well, actually
nowhere is out of their range
Release the Karen!
i am a slamNUTS person
Inked Version of My Popular Comic from Last Year
Going home after the party like this.
Call to John now!
it's all fun and games until the PLASMA lawman shows up
walkin' buds
True words from Bill.
She saw the cat do it ONE time and this happens
I guess this song has problems after all...
one is not like the others
My professor is Keanu Reeves
what is mario thinking?
use proper ETIQUETTE or don't get the slamming NUTS
Hot Bath
Mormon condoms
Doctors have gone on strike but their demands are unclear
You wont believe this.
Condemned scattered knowing Koala
Working in retail like...
It always happens with me
For the nerds out there. #nerdfighteria.
Be kind the the quiet kid
THAT not how it work Ben’ nope not at all
My dog and I getting creative with an old red t-shirt.
Life cycle of cat
This should totally be on my store's shelf
They’ve been giving me gas issues for years and it’s never been a problem before
Each year a friend buys me a bottle of rum for my birthday, he likes to be creative with his wrapping.
After years of pictures from our dad posing with “trophy” deer, my brother one-upped him with this beauty.
New Social Media "Like" buttons
Taboo porn
This is so true! Agree?