If Harvey Weinstein doesn’t get a Best Actor nom for this performance, I’ll never watch the Oscars again

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Heroes 3 game of the decade
He’s not lying
TIME’s Person of the Year 2019
Saying goodbye to friends.
Ups did it again
I made some stained glass worth $120,000. Banana, me, stained glass, 2019
Hits too close to home....Dec ain't cheap
Shaved the day.
Wait.... what?
Just fight for full custody
Computer fault
The family I babysit for sent out their Christmas cards and I just got mine
Word play is the best foreplay.
DHL is far more reliable
I love this restaurant
call out cultural appropriation
Such a touching birthday card
it is once more wednesday my dudes
Best part of the holiday season!
At my local barbershop
I am not sure who to give credit to, but damn this is funny
It's important to remember in these crisis times that there are also stories of hope.
Royal Tour
Rare picture of Jesus and John Cena surfing together, 2019
General Secretary looking thicc
Math be hard
They're really doing the Lord's work :)
Stupid God of War
Welcome to Detroit
Probably best high school quote ever.
Education is important
When string literals go wrong.
I’m sick. I’m a millennial. Figured I’d take down the tissue industry with me.
Great moments in candy history
Kinds are honest)
Recycled but funny
Worse than trash
The reason dinosaurs went extinct
I'm a huge fan of The Onion parodies.
When you fail ALMOST everything at life
Starbucks vans with sliding doors are a bad idea
not sure how old, judging from the YouTube layout very old.
Instructions unclear. Please advise.
What a unique church!
Sleep Deprivation
Found this on my co-worker's desk. We're friends now and we decided to help each other during Parallelogram season
Sad times.
Be careful what you let your kitten know about ancient Egypt, I believe mine has started getting...ideas...
The cat is not happy with this Christmas tree
Sad t-rex
OOPS! Wrong Universe... Mr Wick.
thot potato
Pigeons with little cowboyhats
Just found this on my old family computer.
Stumbled upon this pic. Couldn't stop laughing
Man uses twix as a pillow
Microthoft Exthel
Carlos rolls a decent taco too
The Real Struggle Of Life.
I had to look twice
Quick Think
Behind the lie, lays the truth
same memes, different time
Proof the world isn't flat.
Magic TV
probably not
Couldn't unsee this, figured I'd pass it on
many thanks
You been scribbling where you shouldn’t, Blue?
Made this for my ugly sweater party.
good old cheese
I told my mom I had saved up for a pair of boots and she told me not to get them. I thought she was just being a mom so I bought them anyway. And then these came in the mail...on the same day.
Disney was ahead of it's time
full of win
Could have just placed a torch
then yell at minorities and women
big oopsie
Sticky Fingers.
My neck.... My back
He might have a point..
sexual harassment
Applies to rain too
Oh Sam.
Wisdom of the dog
Shady as ***.
My wife thinks she funny. Had my vasectomy today.
Sani-cloth is coming to town
Don't park so close next time
Poor choice University of North Texas...
Excuse me, which way is the tea party?
Especially during the holiday seasons, remember not to drink and Prime.