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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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same memes, different time
Proof the world isn't flat.
Magic TV
probably not
Couldn't unsee this, figured I'd pass it on
many thanks
You been scribbling where you shouldn’t, Blue?
Made this for my ugly sweater party.
good old cheese
I told my mom I had saved up for a pair of boots and she told me not to get them. I thought she was just being a mom so I bought them anyway. And then these came in the mail...on the same day.
Disney was ahead of it's time
full of win
Could have just placed a torch
then yell at minorities and women
big oopsie
Sticky Fingers.
My neck.... My back
He might have a point..
sexual harassment
Applies to rain too
Oh Sam.
Wisdom of the dog
Shady as ***.
My wife thinks she funny. Had my vasectomy today.
Sani-cloth is coming to town
Don't park so close next time
Poor choice University of North Texas...
Excuse me, which way is the tea party?
Especially during the holiday seasons, remember not to drink and Prime.
Napping not nodding
What's beside the Rite Aid?
Join the Fun
My attempt at making bears less intimidating
I, too, created an abomination through photoshop!
thanks a lot, childhood
Hot to get a GF tutorial
Oh shit never mind
A true American patriot
oh no
The Life Cycle
Time Privacy
So be good, for goodness sake.
fucc bro he stole my LIVING ROOM dam wtf
Bob Cat!
Just a day in the life of your neighborhood UPS man
vegans DESTROYED, unbeatable argument !
My face is melting because it happened
My teammates conversation in spawn after i threw a teamflash that lost us the round
Anon has a question about Red Dead Redemption
"This is impossible!", Daughter encountered her first repeating decimal
No gut no glory
Capin Price
three wishes
*tail wagging*
The real MVP of the decade right here
The Warning
I photoshopped a magpie and a killer whale together
a musician is a kind of bird, feeding their young
Smart-ass Cousin's Reaction to my 6850 light Christmas Tree .
Finally found my favorite Christmas card. Can't wait to send them.
Neighbor's dog
wet squelch
with this one weird trick
2019 in a nutshell
Jump around
And clapping too
I wish us luck guys
how are we still alive lmao
Theater of war
Karen vs. Her final boss
Seen at Joann today
why you checking my girl out
then agai nwho is MJ to judge anyone?
When an Instagram model tries to grow vegetables
Man, I hate it when that happens :/
But there is
Mom: I don’t want a cat in my house! Also mom:
"Bout Tree Fiddy"
My 7 top disappeared without paying the bill or tipping today, look at the mess they left.
Shit why ;____;
I always feel strange grabbing this door handle.
back to square one