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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Movie night with mom and dad
A great text from my friend today
Dog used lick!
Iran Strikes US Cultural Site!
When dad’s alone with the baby for the day.
Found this beaut on the
Meet 71 year old Alojz Abram, who rocks famous people’s “fashion”
For fun I design fake product ideas, so I created a pair of mittens with a solo finger so you can still flip them off.
Just backwards
He won a Golden Globe and he said...
Commenting on the state of 4chan
For you who is about to drafted
I'm not shy, I'm holy
Saw this gem this morning during car pool.
I-Israel chan!!!
A measured response
Same faustian bargain energy
This baby can switch gears with no loss
OwO we made a little ***ky-wackky UwU
This poster in this bathroom. Wow.
Rep your set
I've failed you Marx-daddy
I feel personally attacked
What is this I don’t ge-ohhh.....
Knew I had seen this same scene before the golden globes last night
Cant't wait to die
Sun Block
Is this McLovin’s character arc canon?
Once she's my girlfriend I will introduce her to real good music
i’ll take this as payment
Advanced position of parade rest.
Not OC, but I thought it might belong here.
I love me some spicy food
Legends know no limits
Let's open up this mother***ing pit
In my spare time I enjoy photoshopping animals into things. I call this one 'Floofpaste'.
Flawless product.
Ricky Gervais is a straight savage
who are you
At least he didn't insert them in his pp
Well that's Genius!!
Some dick cut me off on the freeway...
Thank you Legends of The Shadow Raid, very cool.
frens, incels, brainyrs, lend me your ears
Wait for it my dudes
dog nigg*s
Local man discovers the secret to time travel
Toss an upvote
Realizing they weren’t waving at you.
My husband forgot to get toilet paper
Hopefully America gets its two nukes soon
The commitment
Probably homemade and environmentally friendly too
Filters now a days
Morrowind's chance-to-hit combat system was the peak of gaming, nothing will ever top that
Wife bought a new car. Having fun with the manual
Ricky Gervais Wiki page after the Golden Globes tonight.
She has claimed it as her home
Not so sure about this one boss
My girlfriend made me the sad frog for Christmas
Gift given to me this Christmas
Baby elephant crossing a river
Goddamnit Todd
Once you cease to be James Bond, you become a Bond Villain, apparently.
Sausage party connoisseur
The Nintendo Switchblade
A good homie always has your back
A happy little sword
Witty Blue’s fans.
My 11yo keeps going through my closet. So I am hiding these in there but I need a good label for them.
Elon knew what was coming
My fiance tried to have our groceries delivered today. She said she wanted five bananas and somehow the woman misunderstood and bought THIRTEEN POUNDS OF BANANAS
Today I babysat my son for the first time while his mother was out
Needy robots
Well, that's new...
Mmm, teeth shards, my favorite
Japan: First time?
Operation: Human Shield should be come a thing
that's bad
The ensemble is complete
He’s already seized control of my house, now he figures he can take over the whole planet.
I've been sick all weekend and needed a break from watching TV
He is right though
A Christmas tale in three acts
It happens to the best of us
In five years, these will be considered the new ragefaces, so enjoy it while it lasts
My friends are convinced my dad is a vampire cause these pictures are taken 21 years apart, and he doesn't look like he's aged much.
In societate habitamus