I was traveling through the airport and looked over to see someone handing my kid a coloring book. I thought "How nice."...

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Just how big an apology does he need to make?
web browsers in a nutshell
The univers
I gave my cat a birthday party. He was not impressed
Worth it
She's not wrong though
Best documentary ever!
Amazing Parenting
Sydney opera house when first built 1973
Brazil comes to you now
The possum’s greed
It’s Linus from tech tips not Linux
Found a rolled up oversized portrait of my 4 year old self in a storage box
There is a John in every workplace.
rip black panter actor
The Kardashians are sweating now.... wait NVM, plastic doesnt sweat it melts
Elon Musk before and after Neuralink implants
Car sign in Germany
This title is far right
Wolfenstein's BJ Blazkowicz ran through AI driven de-pixelation sofware
Death Thots
Cleaning out my Grandfather's place and found this. Rest in peace you goofy pervert.
I think this tomato is having an identity crisis
Such a big dog
He wields power beyond the puny gods of the realm
My cat always wakes me at 4am. Today i woke him first.
Couple refused to pay their wedding photographer who then released these
Formula 1 vs Soccer
My local ice cream place cheers me up part two
How the turn tables
gas gas gas!
ideas are bulletproof
Bought a new bed for my medium size dog. This is not my medium sized dog.
Well... You can’t say I don’t wear a mask.
This gecko is taking a calcium supplement-not about to go on a cocaine-fueled bender
A friend sent me this
Minds were not changed that day.
can't wait for the next iteration of the one joke
5-year-old me trying to see if the fridge light stays on after I close the door
*** you guys I'm going home
A Strange Encounter
Orange smorange
Well okay damn
My housemates response to my informative note
My 11 year old came downstairs and said she found a duck dynasty shirt in mom’s drawer to wear.
Don’t put it off another day. RIP Chad Boseman
Mad respect brother
My parents brought this sign home from Mexico, I had to point out the mistake.
Magical Reinforcement
just add tax
Draw me like your french girls
At what point can we start using 2020 as a swear word?
I miss the 90's
Time for horny jail
Biodegradable cigarettes helps nature in two ways.
I feel sad for the olives
Dean is a crybaby
Father Son Bonding
My eyes deceive me
Replaced my friends family photos while I was feeding his cats during his vacation
Charging Station
Get buff in 5 easy steps
After thousands of hours standing my dude ranked up
hippity hoppity your brehritage is now our property
I present to you fine people, my cat
Not quite the superhero we need
That would wake me up too
✨Don’t be shy✨
Call Luigi
It’s been right in front of us the whole time.
gotta have the entire family in the photo
is all part of the NWO breh
I need this in my life. CTTO
All Washed Up
Girlfriend’s idea of a theme for my 25th.
Tetris master
Jokes on you McDonald’s, I’m into that shit.
That’s not so Boomer
Yesterday someone shared a picture of a dog sitting on a chair looking smug. I was inspired to make this. I've named it Queen Elizabark
You could say the experience was... rough
Pepperidge Farms truck getting in on a Family Guy joke. Seen in Milford, MA
Terrifying and beautiful
This card I found while house sitting
You can do it too!!!
It must be endless
It's just a glitch everybody
It's all I ever could have wished for
I have been using a CVS receipt as a replacement blind for over 9 months
I just want my soup
Cant stop farting
Taco Bell is a hell of a drug
Just staring for hours...
Sorry, chair occupied.