At 53 this is the first time I have decorated for Halloween, think it’s me waiting for 2021

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Rare nature photo of a leopard stalking a zebra
This vessel name
Modern Renaissance
You’re in the wrong neighborhood.
Strong handshake to assert dominance even further.
Now that I'm 25 I understand this
My cats think theyre strawberries
The bush doggo has been summoned!
Wasted moments
This Brazilian girl is a big fan of K-pop and all Korean culture, so her father without understanding much wanted to personalize her party with the most famous Korean character he found.
This year really don't got the meats
Eternal truth expressed through the medium of emoticons
Just anotha die fo tha Bri'ish
Edgy like Rock
I want to know who made this necessary
Great Clips is. Treasure.
Went from 0 to a 100 real quick
Finally,a worthy opponent
barbie is librehtarian and will vote jojorgense, will YOU VOTE JOJO TOO??
Tonight we feast on our potato crop
They definitely knew how to advertise their product!
Oh Shirt
Just a reminder Jeremy Clarkson was once a lesbian
Not sure why but she keeps ringing the doorbell every morning about three
Not appropriate for the hospital
Anything you can’t do
Among attorney
Keeping Focused
Happy Medium
Overused innit
Simp king
Finally something I can really support
Eats your soul vs. eats your dick
The world now
Call The Locksmith!!!
Future is unsupported
Can wheeeeeee!!! 16 times only.
Bobby has Krytonite!
Dads in a nutshell
Happy Humpty
U won't understand
What have you become
Duck goes brrrrr
brehsus christ is my breh
The ring tempts you
***ing Handitaur
My air freshener for my car
My sister and I wanted a selfie with a deer.
I've started deliberately misinterpreting song lyrics..
Perfection at its finest.
Return to monke? NO, we be going back even farther
Just parked next to this
I know it's small but I worked past the laughter and this was the result of my efforts
my friend’s daughter set some lofty goals
Found my Christmas ornament for this year.
W-what are you doing step car?
Jupiter, high on caffeine, sleep deprived, and doing its best to take care of 79 moons
Cats are cute
It's been about 6 months since I put this on a welder at work and no one has said anything. It's a magnet with sharpie on it.
She makes a good point
Imagine paying for sex witth pictures of your grandma
What to do?
Every cat owner gets this....
University material
What would other companies' themes sound like?
Bilbo never made it to the Grey Havens
Wanted to share this!
Not me i'm a good Christian boy
Aynway, I need a new church and wife.
Jupiter’s 2020 face
brehs hugelol doesnt exist it is merely memes condensed to a slow vibration
Oh naw!
The one and only fox has been slowly destroyed over the years by graphic design :(
If CIA doesn't want to murder you, what are you even doing with your life fam
Leave me A-LOAN
Sweet license plate on a McLaren I saw downtown
Another gem to add to my birthday card collection.
water is level earh = flat breh
Why do you call it football if you use metric?
I wasn’t wrong
Getting there... eventually
Apartment for rent
I cannot unsee this!