Is the universe cruel or amazing if I'm a lil on the chubby side and live in infinite pi?

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My dog reminded me an awful lot of another picture I saw online a while ago
Good news guys! My wife finally gave me the green light!
Break time
Okay Mr Whiskers
Someone's lookin for a trick or a treat
Was shopping at the local Menards a month ago and waited for the floor sweeper to go past. Driver caught me by surprise.
At least he's there for ya
You better have some magical fingers Tom
Kiss practicer
Well this will make filming a sex tape more interesting
change of planet
My husband and I went with a different card approach on our anniversary...
there’s a story behind these mugs
Terrifying image of great white shark captured near beach
A wise man once said ...
Bad decisions were made for the train trip that day
It’s all about how you look at it.
I never!
Police dogs undercover
Wu tang forever
i would build legos and eat nutella
Really Great Britain
"Ehm, excuse me Sir."
We need more people like this in our world.
For the bear with high standards
The Lord has arrived..
Damn, Jackie, can't control the weather.
Run dog
Cable guy art
Runner up
Japanese artist creates ramen face mask to complement fogged glasses. .
My Cat contemplating life
Time to play the copy righted song
Doing the Math
Gordon Ramsay would have a heart attack seeing this
It looks like a cartoon mouse jumped through my wall.
Alsacian wine > your stinky grape juice
How decolonized i want my kid to be
u sure look like it lmao
I don't what to put here.
Frank, do we buy a house or a car?
The hunt has ended.
Can't take a shit in peace in this house
This is a waaa moment
My old lady dog
get out of me swamp
Got called out by deli cheese
Bobby Manhattan
I’m afraid my son might be an arsonist.
Be honest, you could see it happen
Teaching 5th graders on zoom has been a blast
My car reached a milestone.
Wearing your tracksuit to your wedding, oh Russia
At any time
How do you respond to that
Two of my chickens like to sneak up on my dog and poke her in the butt.
The box for this scale has a picture of a banana for scale.
This mushroom has the biggest booty I ever did see
Betty wanted to join in my daughters remote schooling
A jar jar in an ajar jar
who wants to be first to try the infamous meat bird?
I still send nice greeting cards to my ex
What a silly idea
the good stuff
New pair of selvedge denim jeans. Ithink they still need to be broken in
mea culpa
My pronoun is Master
I'm not a human baby person... i mean what if i drop one accidentally
Motorcyclist hates CAPTCHAs as much as we all do
Making fish tacos for the guy who keeps stealing my lunch.
Fish tacos
Art Block
How the brain works
Good advice to any aliens visiting Earth
Thought she looked familiar
Trust me, I’ve been trying.
They recharge while sitting on power lines.
Surprise MFs!!!
gotten away with it again
We had an accident
Interesting conversation with an Instagram bot
USA 2020
Trans-Bullet Sponge
People that old would die of a heart attack if they saw modern porn