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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Matrix. How it was
it's cold
Jedi tricks
Who shit my pants?
Binary Fusion in a nutshell
Marijuana: becomes legalized Americans:
hehe *sobbing* hehe
Is.... is this what these are for?
Always trust strangers friends
or Koreans, not sure
Perfect advertisement doesn't ex.....
Oh no, what have you done?
literally me
Here is what craving actually looks like
Literally whenever my I ask my mom if I can do something
Most advanced iPhone ever
Proof that most cultures eventually produce porn
The man is savage
Lady at the bank was rude about a pen... so I sent this back with a whole fart in it
Remember to buy the Socks too
What was she talking about??
treasure everywhere!
Gran finds the internet
Friends shadow looks like Vader!
This child’s birthday card was created in blissful ignorance.
2020 is not that bad at all
Was only planning on doing this for a few months until we returned to the office yet here we are
oh? we should adopt more saudi ideals. they seem very smart :D
What’s wrong with BIG KNEES?
I was about to pour myself a drink and realized 2 of my ice cubes were actually pizza rolls. Maybe I don't need that drink after all.
I will always remember this sound
I've lost two times now
He was done with this road trip before it even started
Hmmm, could be anyone
can't wait uwu
Words from the prophet himself
Pumpkin hates windy beach
Blue lill, red pill
i wish i had such a big house
The format might be old but still gold
attack your local journalist
Getting biblical with it
That’s one way to tell
I feel for ya lad.
When a customer doesn't like the food
No! Not again!!
No bar, no whiskey, no friends life
Good speech!
"holy lol"
All houses need a forklift area or else your doing it wrong
Doggo doesn't know how to sit in the car without his bed
Does this really need context?
Parrot on a workbench with his workbench
Seasonal fashion
Bargain Basement Prices!
The Disney Magic
Things you can say about your computer, but not your girlfriend.
thiw how brehs flirt
Big Chicken
Ford gt
My uncle told my cousin that the wig was permanent.
Let that song sink in
Getting along
Good mom
You like it? It's very generous.
This horrid tragety has two possible solutions
Ah yes complexity
This is how Japan attacked Pearl Harbor according to flat earthers.
totally EPIC PRANK to pull in the HOSPITAL!
Some serious competition between two car dealerships.
go ahead
Contestant number three
Can I learn this power?
Contestant number two
Contestant number one
pakistan zindabad
Sheeeit (literally)
The Eleventh Commandment!
Selling GF
Amazon also delivers humor.
Read up on the Battle of Suiyang
Well, this is true.