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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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He’s onto us.
Santa's raging
Its a better opt ヽ(´ー`)┌
And still goes on
Hungry Shakespeare
Be specific, Santa
Games are Ok!
A friendly reminder for the holidays
The Naïveté
28 years ago I had to “share” my Nintendo with my sister
I’m pleased with my white elephant gift tonight.
Forgot to buy tape but I have a label maker
It's not Christmas until Hans Gruber falls off the 30th floor of Nakatomi Plaza.
My mom in law is afraid of corona but also really loves giving gifts #wearamask #carryapole
Got the presents wrapped. Some call it being cheap. I call it recycling.
I, too, wrap presents disguised as other gifts. This is actually a pack of socks.
My new magnet
Merry Christmas from Australia fam
Get ready, dads
Took longer than I care to admit. But I successfully wrapped a gift card!
My cousins ugly Christmas sweater
A local guy in my town dresses up as Cousin Eddie and stands on a busy corner to wave at passing cars. Legend.
I would still smash
My dumb ass is just opening
Real life Loonie Tunes.
It's a sad day
Not OC, I just find it funny how tables have turned
Wrapped my friends gift like this, it's a dildo.
The best harmless prank ever.
Don't ask how I know- I just know
A tech satire
Celebrated early. This is definitely my favorite gift. My sister won Christmas this year.
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.
Bada bum bap bum
Christmas came early.
My girlfriend asked me to help with the ginger bread cookies. I don't know what got me fired so quick.
Was inspired by a post earlier to wrap my Dad’s present like this. It’s a coat
Mystery Box
The happiest Christmas card
how it started ---> how it's going
Birch, please.
poor security
A Christmas Carol
The fish community has had enough with the octopus abuse
Ricky Gervais is a treasure
If you ever want a good chuckle look up Body Builders in suits.
Billy was a bad boy and gets nothing but coal for Christmas
If i can summon Santa through a pentagram, it won't matter anyways
Christmas Curse
Got my dad a tablet for Christmas, he has CMT and can't grip things too well, so we got him this penguin to help him
The council is assembled (Dank OC December)
Today is my birthday and I totally get this!
Flavortown vs flavourtown
Grass, cash, or a$$... no free rides
I got my brother a spare part for his bike for Christmas. Only spent about 4 hours wrapping it.
Rare photo of young Mark Zuckerberg
My friend finished wrapping his wife's presents. Left one a perfume, right one a sweater.
My wife isn't great at measurements and ordered a 28" pizza for the two of us.
What's wrong with them
Last meme of Dank OC December: Alignments (est. 1977?). Template in the comments.
I have a tendency to wrap misleading presents
Even Superman loves Christmas!
Magic 8-Ball
Saw this in a breakfast shop
Get away
TX DoT got jokes
I'm so sorry—
This is not the greatest painter in the world. NO! This is just a tribute.
My little cousin drew this comic and I’m wheezing!
Vaccines bad
I know it’s supposed to be a soldier kneeling but I don’t see that
Use the "Let It Snow" wrapping paper only on larger gifts.
Credits are important!
Finished wrapping my sister's present. It's a necklace.
Christmas 2020
That bottle won’t last long
Sad :'(
Best. Gift. Ever.
My girlfriend and I bought eachother the exact same present. I've never laughed so hard in my life
Baby Yoda