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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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lovin it
Go go Power Rangers!
Oh no. Bed bugs
If you didn’t think owners looked like their dogs..
Mixed seed packet jacket
900 BC
This year's bean pod children harvest has great harmony!
They met online
Typical household budgets.
When even Moulder browses fresh
I am not a smart man. #newlaces
Skeletor also has feelings.
But if I just leave it another 30 seconds it might sort itself out?
Riden' with Biden.
Plastic Bag
Dad jokes...
I think this deserves to be here...
How to act
There’s a lot of comedy in this pic I took today
Dough is another word for money...
jk, unless...
My office doesn’t allow pets. I think I found a workaround. His name is Steve.
We found him, but...
Drop that beat
Frost in Texas
these days
Sooo, I DONT have “yellow fever”?
Uno with Granny
This is fatherhood
My United Flight 328 LEGO kit arrived!!
My grandma's tumbler.
The new USPS trucks look like they're out of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Van Whoa
Importance of technical interviews
I work at a call center. Sometimes I like to draw my callers; here’s Jesse from today, who was screaming at his poor dog instead of moving to a different area to talk on the phone:
working class hero
True legends
When in doubt, bri'ish.
Golum hates sting, hates it!
When Star Trek was at its peak.
Is this the horseshoe everyone is going on about?
What did he mean by this?
Existential bread
Mans going places
The perfect license plate for the perfect car
These new stonetoss comics be wild.
Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter married since 1946
Typical internal monologue for me
My dog is an idiot but I love her
***ing Martha is a ***
Hate washing cups
I am still here
the states breh like dis too brehs
The grind never stops
EA destroys another franchise
Can someone help me out with this color palette? Need to repaint my walls but there are too many colors to pick from. Was thinking mint green?
Mini fridge message at 5 star hotel
Good thread
Men over 35 in skinny jeans...
partners all along
Every villain needs a sympathetic backstory these days
Odd-looking blokes everywhere
Everything changed when fire nation attacked.
Daveman's greatest Invention
Every season I understand fashion less and less.
Funny phone
wr any%
Wiser words have never been written before
breh why da fuk we spenin money on vaccine if we can by a coke
dancy dog
Atleast they're not a hypocrite
keep them coming
still one of his best photos
Got a John cena tatoo on my leg
Give it to me gay, doc.
High trust vs low trust cultures
We value your ideas, they said
emotional baggage claim
Not today. . .
you’re fired.
As planned
A mom for 4 years, and I am a parent officially today. I stepped on my first Lego!
The first rule of Fight Club is...
Harder, better, faster, deader
Mr bean car got an upgrade