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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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"I've got a click out of one, nothing on two, cenobite binding on three, setting back."
Tolkien = Mega Chad
They severely underestimated Japan
Found when walking
Double standard anyone?
You *** with Jewish exile memes, right?
You knew the risks
He's cool
Eren Yeager
Nazi logic:
I, Qin Shi Huang, have a dream...
Need a little validation
Tien An Men Square Monument
And another one bites the dust
Made one myself
Animal fact of the day
I was in a bookstore and found something that I did not expect.
Ready for round two?
A new way of washing
Don't worry about it
It's not my fault that I age and my waifu doesn't
>:) A meme for your girlfriend
mmm choccy milk!
Well... Shit
If you're broke, just book the B team for your event.
Give me that milk girl
I asked my girlfriend if she ever made a snowman and she showed me this photo of her childhood
I ain’t jumping till Moses goes away
Not just straight
Lord Beerus plotting the next universe to destroy.
What a trans icon I guess
I'm sorry, little one...
Those hippos are fast!
This is me when my wife brings me a salad from McDonalds
Just like any other Sunday in China
Excuse me
“A GAY character? Why, whatever do you mean? There was never a gay character in this movie.”
Woke pup
LeBron James tours China on the day when nothing happened.
Someone's been messing with the power metres at work.
Eminem and 50 Cent meeting for the first time, 1982.
Why are there so many?!
It's one hell of a character arc
Make love not war?
You're chasing a meme... Nothing more.
Just take a second and breathe you're almost there
Rejoice, as it's still not gay to kiss the homies good night!
aot fans be like
Big Boss approves
Because that's what heroes do.
That’s when we’ll know.
We live in a different time
as my man Kakyoin likes to say...
Not all that good, eh?!
Fortunate mistake
“MoNeY dOeSn’T bUy HaPpInEsS-“ Just shut up!
This would make one hell of an episode of Mr Bean
Sad day today, bois
In the 20's the soviets tried to crossbreed humans and apes to form a new army/slaves.
C'mon, Australia! You can do better than that!
never the last ride
Norway gang rise up.
14th century wasn't nice
That would be awesome
And I don't want to think what is about to happen
Nobody understands
Such dialogue, such character development, truly an amazing series
The God That Failed
don't drink kids.
Our friend is buying his first home today, so we worked with his realtor to be sure this is the first thing waiting for him in his kitchen after closing.
"Zolpidem works"
One way trip
Took me ridiculously long to realise
It's alright, not the first one
she does, doesn't she?
1 arrow?
Real estate agent humorously responds to vandalism
Shit post
HydroHomies where you at?
My bar spitting the hard truth.
enjoy them while they last
Sad modern story :(
Hit the road Cat!
Eat your heart out Apple
"If All Of Olympus Shall Deny Me Of The Holy Grail, Then All Of Olympus Shall Die!"
People are horrible, what can I say?