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The Insane

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Boys being boys
Don’t bring up the Irish history
How do you sit as a visitor? Perso: it depends at whose house I am
On my local paper’s website
Rolling that Nat 20
Vodka=Slavic holy water
Business is booming.
Sweet sweet elephants' foot
Making a meme of every country's history day 148: São Tomé
My online paper today
personal preferences
Having done night shift before, can confirm
Let's get dem pats
An oldie but a goldie
Working benefits...
Anime haters in a nutshell
A bit to far I think
Padme might need some time to get over this move from Walter Ulbricht
Debris? Shrapnel? American school desks laugh in the face of such dangers!
Bruh, what the hell is this
Your brain just shutsdown
I honestly need to go to sleep
Works everytime
A normal day in Florida.
'We lost? Well, at least the French Empire is still going strong, right?
Why must you hurt me this way
Chan, oni chan
Dads don't promote weakness in the family's genes
Where's my leg
He rulez
labcoat dominance
Best way to time pass
I’ll be waiting for your response
Hello my name is -keyboard slam-
When you can get exiled twice you know you special
Nerf the real one pls
Knock Knock, its the United States
People Miss the Big Picture
Why are y'all like this?
Gonna be an expensive coffee.
This may be unpopular
Me at 3 AM
You’re welcome to only use European inventions if we’re so bad
Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov: 60 - 0
the piece of watermelon bubble gum I swallowed waiting in my stomach for 7 years
The first accurate depiction of a hydrogen atom
Can't complain about it
Still waiting for that beard to come in
He's neck-deep and would prefer to not sink any deeper
More Woodrow Wilson slander for your feeds.
Where’s Robin?
For real this time
My belt will go on
Change my mind…
John Wayne Gacy is finally arrested after human remains are found on his property
Curious George gets high in a children’s book.
Liquor store employee draws comics and posts them around the store. This one was my favorite
11/10 Nailed at the live action
My 4 year old brought me a rubber band and asked me to do this to him.
Poem from first bilingual nazi soldier
Deez Knots
He did it. He actually did it.
Nah, apocalypse is little said
Dark world
Source: Im Cuban
Sancho Martin is a possible source of inspiration for the 14th century arthurian Green Knight.
One piece next generation
Don't be jealous!
Uh-huh, that’s my shit
Detective Good Boy
Boy what a mess.
I'll see it when I see it I guess
The Achaemenid Empire did nothing wrong
Stop scrolling, have a cold one
We probably all are bill
Welcome royal charlie
Top sold separately
Farmers for the win!
Woosh the cat
Cr1TiKaL's moist level was off the chart for her
choose one
Where other see a defeat, I see an opportunity
A lot of girls watch Tokyo Revengers for the husbandos.
I mean, what power do you have that you can make even a salad unhealthy!!
Tic tac for life.
Keeping it in the family...
If Teddy and Taft could just get along, we wouldn't be in this mess
X - 9 = 60
Did he always have one eye?
it's okay because asians aren't real people
Every time
He's right
And then they started hating each other, he was reactionary and conservative and she was liberal and pacifist
Double the occupation, double the concentration camps.
"History is a race between education and catastrophe."
I’ll have my revenge old man
My local ice cream place waving around ocean puns on porpoise just for the halibut