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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Now be honest; is it the beard?
US adopts the metric system
Ancient Greece follows Christianity
What happened to him?
Geobbles's photographer
“It’s ok Danzig, Lémanique, Cisrehnia, Piedmontese, etc, you’re all real countries to me”
you should smoke
How dead Anime characters suddenly return back to life
Unexpected mix
Staaaaaaay wiiith meee
This was a recurring theme for 800 years
Jewish History
This meme came out of frustration and not hate
Who will you pick?
Don't go to Anne Frank's house
Left-Hand… WHAT?!
I am willing to bet most people do not remember what 3rd Amendment is about.
no sense of humor huh
Segregation in the the South
His paranoia became his downfall
and having harem for no reason.
She has more power than Dio.
I don't understand their logic.
Dude in the stall next to me was fighting for his life.
Best Dang Graffiti Artist out there
Everyone runs into our garden window so I made this sign. My wife says no one will get it.
so true........
The rats told me everything.
I think I peaked philosophically at age 6.
Nothing can stop this man
Hitler convinces Europe of his peaceful intentions
casual prank
It’s crazy how there were thousands of Nazi POW’s that had to stay in gulags for a decade, and were only ever repatriated after a shit ton of negotiations
With overpowered abilities comes a very big harem
Damn Bro!
Funniest Amazon reviews
Such a wonderful man who suffered such a terrible fate.
Arby's strikes again
The company I work for has portraits of the founders and I think one of them may be Robin Williams' great-great-grandmother!
Sure Napoleon, come right through!
Absolute fools
Its Buddhism relaaaax
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 702 ✓
Reality often beats fiction
the correct one
advance forklift certification
Thank you as always Todd
I miss the 80s
The Gay RoadRoller
I used to be guilty of this
poor Naruto didn't get the memo
Ongoing Crazy Waifus
*Insert peanuts joke here*
Don't say you want me only after we're through
The start of NASCAR
Just walk away
Well yes! But…actually no…
Nero at zero
Misplaced helicopter
One of the featured news on the FB page of our local newspaper today.
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto orders the attack on Pearl Harbor
Ready to play
Adolf Hitler proving he is not racist, 1936
The real controversy from the MK-ULTRA disclosures was that America said the secret part out loud.
Dating in European Union this winter be like...
He wasn’t the bravest man.
I’m dogsitting and got bored so I braided the dogs long ear hair
Which game does this to you?
Louisiana doesn’t need any specifics
the mad men
Marin supermacy !
Some people are built different
Disclaimer: not all U.S. Citizens, and not all veterans
Tadano is one nasty mofo
Emma Watson to speak about feminism in front of the UN
she looks more mature this way
My father managed to accomplish this today.
how is it spelled?
Not my greatest year
You and I aren't so different
Maybe Christian Life International should rethink the cross
Once my teacher, always my teacher
Sheer power of will.
Blondes in red are hot, btw
So many stories that may be lost if we aren't careful
seen on the back of a 70-year-old woman's Subaru Forester
They also created anime to make people forget about the war crimes
These guys are just hanging out on the side of the road where I live
And these are only a few admirable things about good ol' Manfred
all waifus are good, but those 2 make me feel things.
1st year vs 2nd year