SKOOLKNIGHT · 5 points ·
>tfw no wrestle GF

SKOOLKNIGHT · 2 points · *
I thought he meant the nose tribe.

Then again, there's an awful lot of stabbers/doctors/engineers/islamists/rapists/pedos/looters/dindus/enrichment/dealers/
pizza delivery boys/welfare sponges as of late.

SKOOLKNIGHT · 5 points ·
Bro... ... BROOOOO!!!!!

SKOOLKNIGHT · 3 points ·
Basically some entity using lunchboxes filled with super-compact loli... Used as Love Cartridges... To protect... The Soul(s?) and Body(?) of said entity, against some very big hole in the ground.

SKOOLKNIGHT · 8 points ·
Bro... True love is the real treasure...

SKOOLKNIGHT · 5 points · *
"I can't believe we finally won a World War... Who knew having actual access to oil made things so much easier? It's all thanks to those muslims, we'll be sure to thank them for their services!"

- Johan Adolfus Kwak, 2045 Sturmmememadier 69th ASS ASS Division: Bratwurst

SKOOLKNIGHT · 7 points ·
The Zoomers at work singing Erika and Westerwald without giving a sh*t.

They've reached levels of being suicidal, millenials can only dream of.

SKOOLKNIGHT · 1 points · *
It's just a humble farmer harvesting love that will protect the current vessel against the curse of the sixth layer, so it may venture deeper and do that thing we readers have yet to find out.

SKOOLKNIGHT · 2 points ·
At this point it hardly matters what the reasons are, the result remains the same.

SKOOLKNIGHT · 3 points ·
Ah, yes... The daily Hugelol Convention of Fine Gentlemen and Frens.

Everything is within the flows of causality.

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