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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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Only in the internet will you be taken seriously
Second thoughts
UPS guy gives no ***s
Haiku by a Robot
When i show my friends Hiddenlol
i'm sure it's just a coincidence
Plasma TV
Squirrel popsicles for the poor , always look at the brightside
Because a deaf zombie is not a real zombie.
Who did this
I'm not welcome on social media
/b/ plays a game
Geography class with CNN
God's gifts
Oh ***, oh ***, oh ***
Italy doesn't trust anyone, not even themselves...
this fugger has 100+ subs with no videos, i call hacks
Some people just like to rain on everything
When your friends see u got back with ur ex
proof JFK was way ahead of his time.
Smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself
Wonder what he mustve been trough to learn that lesson
Makes sense
legal murder
works like a charm
Occupation? No, just visiting.
Love is in the air
White girls after watching Fifty Shades Of Grey
Sasha Grey talks about "The Fappening"
This comment on Drake's instagram
then they proceed to ride each other
stop vaccination now!
dave grohl celebrity lookalike fail.
It already makes a lot more sense that scientology
Al Quaeda: revolutionizing air transport since 1911
The Master Race will see you now
The pure essence of 4chan
Attention whoring
War cinema
One of the best pranks ever.
Me everytime i get that answer
And they better not be drinking coffee!
Feels goods man
Technology advancements in the wild.
The "birden" of parenthood
Only in USA.. big boned toilets..
"The Naked Gun" was the best
Meninist strikes again.
That New Spongebob Squarepants movie was kind of raunchy
3D printer manufacturers nightmare
The war on woman
Criminal jumps in pond and the waiting game ensues.
When your best homie loves anime
Snow cat got tired of digging
No one can ever get Benadryl Cumbox's name right.
Cotton Candy
*** off mavis
Pokemon Names
Microsoft AR
A New Zealand TV show decides to prank its co-host
This sign...
Playtime is over
Logic is ineffective against Feminists
Install gentoo
a watchfull protector
You never know who is on the other side
No sh*t, Sherlock!
Do you even lift?
I'm the captain now
Well then.
The Devil can be a real *** sometimes..
my cropping is frowned upon
Pick up yours at your local butcher today!!
You had one job
Captain America: Civil War plot has been leaked
Fight fire... With fire! Gets me every time.
Weatherman is a savage
As an overwhelmed college student.
Desperate times call for desperate measures
There are two types of people on the internet
Greece's new government
Finally a solution!
Cat Gang-Bang
Episode from iCarly banned in the US
With great power...
Harold is love. Harold is life.
Classy Chloe
Shots fired.
I bet you shower naked , You sl*t !
Canadians be like!!!
Cats ain't good for shit
50 Shades of Nonsense.
I don't even want to think about what happened to the food inside the fridge