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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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It was at that moment i realized i screwed up.
Pay Up
Cats you know
Exercising is fun!
unfortunate sticker placement lol
Can't hear you haters, I got airpods
A, u pičku
Grandpa has rules too, okay?!
magikarp used splash
Effective deterrent
Avoid at all cost
As an Asian, I can relate.
It stays young forever
Felt cute.. might arrest someone later idk. Posted by Mineral Wells Police Department.
Who actually uses YouTube premium?
beats walkin
...results may vary...
He waits
1960s flying. Please place all babies in overhead storage, and enjoy your cigarette and steak sandwiches.
Don’t forget...
My new spirit animal
Feeling cute... Might arrest you later.
noone reads titles anyway
Endangered .
Old man clippy!
Why you shouldn't take a selfie during the winter
Someone worked very hard on this! Not me though...
@downudder: No
Heard a small ruckus, walked in to find my cats like this
This absolute champion making light of his disability
Pickles would work too js
and Vegeta too
"There was an idea." (Potential Re)
Charity in a snap
There’s no excuse when there is Stockholm syndrome!
Wife: Husband, please stop leaving empty wrappers on the kitchen surface.
We live in 2019 while this lady lives in 2077
Never change Colin
Anon and the holocaust
The note we left for the exterminator today.
the automatic timer got a shot of a man photobombing our family picture
Lol ok
Summer time!
c o m p o s u r e
who are you?
I am crying
Ok, Mary Beth... ok.
Its growing....
It's about to get hot
the future is now
When someone asks "how's work?"
I think it is time to start a diet...
some doggy luke vets
We all wanna know how
Eres un tonto por traducir esto
politics aside, Israel is not a legitmate country
Found in a local Italian restaurant...
My school offers two different kinds of contraceptives
Look at hEr ha ha
Dog Detector
Boss is being summoned
Get to the Shoppa!
Get yr taxonomy straight kids
I love this show so much
Follow the instructions thoroughly
Ok, You are right :)
Vicious attack caught on camera
totally agrere
Can confirm that this works.
My teacher sent this. His name is Robert.
Repeatedly baffled christendom by continuing to live
Wonder who's idea this really was!
But he won tho
Anon burns
Praying mantis got no chill
I'm baby
My mom just sent me this picture and said "I only see the world in black and white"
P for Prozac
Pervy perv perv
OoO0oooOh....tHat actUaLLy l00k vEry c0oL
is this relatable enough ??
Oh okay...
And a diet pepsi
Also the complementary RayBan aviators
the rite of passage
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I peed my pants after that one
Invasion is coming! get ready.
Who knows it?
He just wont let you...