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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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My mom just sent me this picture and said "I only see the world in black and white"
P for Prozac
Pervy perv perv
OoO0oooOh....tHat actUaLLy l00k vEry c0oL
is this relatable enough ??
Oh okay...
And a diet pepsi
Also the complementary RayBan aviators
the rite of passage
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I peed my pants after that one
Invasion is coming! get ready.
Who knows it?
He just wont let you...
Hard worker
Not me, it was the cat
Works great for me
He saw some sh*t
Shut up Jennifer
Was going somewhere with a friend. Called shotgun. Did not get shotgun.
Avengers "coming" soon
As long as I live idc what you look like
What about the soul
Just so we’re clear
My answer to some bathroom graffiti
Big brain move
Stay fancy.
Not really humorous but this made me smile today so wanted to share :)
Greg has been nurtured
I wonder what could POSSIBLY go wrong
This is how it goes in the bible right
When People ask why I dont watch foreign films
I don’t have pet peeves
A happy accidental misidentification
Remedy for them terrible 2’s.
It aint much but its honest
God damn it obi wan I told you to update the sat nav!
How to tell when the train isn’t coming!
RIP Charlotte NC
Duality of man
This diet Vogue printed in the 70s is my jam
My local supermarket has a giant roomba. "His" name is Marty and he detects spills including the blood it will shed once it becomes sentient.
No haws in here
The tables turned right around the summer of 2011
Guy running for City Council sent me a text, this was our exchange
This badass
Thanos vs Duolingo bird who wins?
A new journey
Found this while walking around my neighborhood
I can almost hear it now
An interesting take on cosplaying
Yes, yes we do.
Google earth takes dogs privacy very seriously
Our Sad World
Gotch yer mandingo!
Our future is looking bright
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Should have responded to the email.
i would like to try that
Before internet reviews
WasteOfBreath be like: *drools*
Bold wife!
No baby i don't squirt.......
( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)
It hurts how accurate this is
There was a car crash in Wroclaw, Poland
If I was the teacher I would give this kid an A
Excuse me wtf
Fast food philosophies
yes, i am a gaymer
Bored Lord.
Feeling unclean.
Thank you Thanos!
sbev.. what
If you're ever feeling useless, remember that bags of ice have nutrition information.
How do I rotate trees?
Very cool google
(insert bilbo baggins quote)
Sorry Hugelol wemen, our hearts are taken.
Are they though?
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Still makes me laugh
British Mexico!!
Those god dam humans
Big Pokeballs
Whenever you plug in that USB drive
Confused screaming
Smooth and silky
Found Waldo in the Bathroom
He'll never know
Found at my local Five Guys
The hero we need, but we don't deserve