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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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I was born to do that
Royal mom or not, Dutchess Kate is all of us when our kids are being little shits
This Brand Knows What To Calls Its Products
Can we talk this over ?
Most true thing I’ve heard today
It’s snowing in Australia!
I can do those things
Rage against the reins.
RIP photographer
Thanks Charles Darwin... that’s evolution
Family circle has it right.
How does five hour energy work?
Dropping the bass is lame, shooting the bass is in
That's why you don't google your illness
The Shocker
The audacity of this guy
weird dog
Sneaky Squatch
My mom would sap the shit out of me
Amazing Egyptian ruins
Who else thinks my wife's new can opener looks like a strange sex toy?
Nobody gives a shit!
Cone of shame
My Wife told me to check out the new playlist she made me
On that day, the wind was broken.
Relax Karen, we just need some tips.
Die Ants.
Killin time!
From Guy Fieri’s Instagram: “When the flavor is out of this world”
My local butcher
Priority mail vs Turtle
Pic of 2/4 horsemen of the apocalypse
Why did I draw this
Found this at a local park
4/10 on IMDb
Time to Glow Up
I don’t like this
I painted my Rush Hour experience
Cries in a corner
Now I know what they are telling me
Just a routine CAT scan
Wholesome graffiti.
Wrong neighborhood kid
Reality TV show timeline
First you attack my games and now you go after my porn?
How could he
my soul is dirty
Yes, yes,
do it doe?
How dare they protest
Lemme just drive 1000 miles to watch your terrible band play.
Robots can't be trusted
I don’t know what methods they use and I don’t wanna find out
he dunn diddit
Thank you, Udot
Half an inch per space
Stop the child abuse, that too advanced for her
How to make good memes
After 2 hours of arguing with tech support you face the final boss
will to live? you guessed it!
I hope you like “Cheesy” things.
That's one mighty fist
lucky for him she had a pineapple fetish
This week in HL Achievements Volume 3: 4-10 August 2019
Names Stronk
Best type of revenge
I've know a few of these. It's true
Unsolved mysteries
mission acomplished
What's that!??
He was an essential NPC, we're screwed now
This educational poster about pregnancy
Lol I can't even
Every parent ever...
Retard units
Conspiracy you say
Get it? Cause marriage makes you OLD
True... sadly
Don't tempt him
This Amazon review kills me
Making new friends.
Some of us can’t sleep
Hold my beers, ya cünt
Ur a dumbass, nibba
What is recursion?
Today, I lost more than you could ever know.
1. Chihuahua