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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Thank you, Udot
Half an inch per space
Stop the child abuse, that too advanced for her
How to make good memes
After 2 hours of arguing with tech support you face the final boss
will to live? you guessed it!
I hope you like “Cheesy” things.
That's one mighty fist
lucky for him she had a pineapple fetish
This week in HL Achievements Volume 3: 4-10 August 2019
Names Stronk
Best type of revenge
I've know a few of these. It's true
Unsolved mysteries
mission acomplished
What's that!??
He was an essential NPC, we're screwed now
This educational poster about pregnancy
Lol I can't even
Every parent ever...
Retard units
Conspiracy you say
Get it? Cause marriage makes you OLD
True... sadly
Don't tempt him
This Amazon review kills me
Making new friends.
Some of us can’t sleep
Hold my beers, ya cünt
Ur a dumbass, nibba
What is recursion?
Today, I lost more than you could ever know.
1. Chihuahua
Error 404: Post not found
maing sure it was done right
Is it gluten free tho?
You Can't Unsee This
Men unite
Is this how the joke was supposed to end??
I mean it works
ultimate alien
I'd be happy to kiss Jim Carrey's ass
Googling stuff online does not make you a doctor
Back in my day, it was uphill, BOTH ways!
Dang! 100000
Lost my thumb and pinky a month ago, just trying to laugh about it instead of crying.
Turn left when the beat drops!
This worm...
Jetstar claiming I exceed my 20kg limit by 2kg with a 19kg bag ...
Six to seven washing machines
Random bar in Utah, loves AC/DC
I sure hope so...
You’ll never guess what Elastigirl does
Titanic under construction in Belfast, 1911. I think I found the problem.
Coffee Ego
Can’t stop the Dogg
Oh no, my unmoistured beverage
Quite EVIL
Oh yeahh
Mike Tyson recently bought a Tesla
Feline shui
Ganesh wants his Revenge
Stickers in the back of a taxi I took on my vacation in Thailand
Husband saw a girl in a bikini doing this and thought he would follow her lead...
Someone bought a water at our open house today.
The owls
Alignment Chart
Spotted in Warren, MI
The best version of the bible
Revealed: Why there are less UFO sightings today
You down with DMB? Yeah, you know me.
Yooooo. Who did this!?
Smack that!
Send nude hail Satan my life is neato
Marine biologists are now tagging whales, in the hope to understand their movements better
Almost crying. It’s my beautiful childhood.
Hot weather notice
Ah yes, my favourite time of the day
In case of an emergency, hurl your enormous penis out the nearest window, and climb to safety
Screw you Jupiter
Stay down, final warning
oh my god.....
Manhattan prison rn
its always sunny
Handed in my job notice yesterday. I had the best boss ever.
Love is all you sea.
Games which allow custom characters in the cutscenes
Let's see what's new in the Newspaper today
Mad respect ✊
wish there were more cute boys in hentai...