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Tried to take a selfie at JFK. Caught this gem before I could figure out how to reverse the cam...
I photoshopped a frog and a dog together
Good guy cops
tbh it's kinda rules
Pretty much every client
Chinese wallet is speaking the language of all of us
Problem Solved...
Breakdown! at the Walmart
the prosecution doubts the defences claim that the defendants breasts could possibly be that big!
Emergency calls only, please
I hope this hasn't been posted before..
It do be like that
I don’t know what to say
Felt that one
Toilet roll + Cat = Moon???
Why do I find this funny?
Reading is good for your mind, unlike porn
I don't know-how why I found this very funny...
Cardi B crowd surfing, circa 2018
Here's a picture inside of the busiest railway station in India!
Think I got ripped?
Not today coronavirus!
*Silence intensifies*
Who’s gonna carry the boats?
Deadly weapon alert
Children are the future
Instagram Filter IRL
Soothing indeed
It couldn't catch you if you ran.
Any time a child tries to guess my age...
Wheres the owner? I need a word
Ninja is retarded
'We found the leak.'
Smells like updog in here...
Your turn, Weinstein.
The fate of the conspiracy theorist.
I have to go to a baby shower and the grandma-to-be is making everyone send her a baby picture. Here's mine.
This is the ultimate UNO reverse card.
We had
A man has fallen into the... wait...
She has no idea of what just slapped her in the face
Experienced jailbird gives sheriff's department 5 star review on Google with his full name and photo included.
Essential Oil vs Corona Virus
George Washington gathering supplies for his planned crossing of the Delaware River
Who the hell would pay 4k for sex?
His name is Kiryusha. Today he is 19 years old. And he hates everything
Thank you for your service!
This dog looks like he's vegan
Karen incomi- nevermind
Based Germans?
My mom works at a middle school. She found this in a broken locker. #thekidsarealright
I don't know why I find it hilarious
Common mistake
hopefully he wasnt infected with the gay
Kinky Sword
Mad Granny!!
Hand it over!
Message from above
I am this lucky
Don't mind if I do
Dad joke alert.
Manufacturing and shipping
Praise the Dark Lord.
Yep.......that maybe
This guy sent me a super serious gym selfie. I work for a music school so I decided to respond in kind.
30-day trial
I'd better not buy this.
Never cross the Clintons
Gordan Ramsay Approved
A light beer!
It's poetry
Well that went... terribly.
Why T-rex is extinct…
It's true, though
Just say no.......
Multifunctional hub.
This is the reason why you shouldn't do drugs on a construction site according to Occupational Health and Safety in Australia
inb4 he suicides
I’ll bite them back
Big PP energy
Butt hat.
My astrophysicists daughter gave me a birthday card
Window seat
We don't deserve demons
Look it’s me
Brutally honest advertising
It had to be done...
At least it's not a dog
The training has begun
Hurry while the body's still warm
The battle of a lifetime
Why didn’t I think of this sign?
They just never show the other side.
Masterpiece one.
Ah yes, all the cone types.